Adventure on the Lumut river

in hive-193186 •  4 days ago 

The entire team was already on a motorboat powered by one outboard engine. The boat moved away from the dock, moving slowly enough to observe its surroundings carefully.

A stunning view greeted us as we sailed away from the dock. Small and large islands are visible more clearly. Unfortunately, our goal did not reach there.

We were interested in the buildings visible from the shore at the surface of the bay. Wooden beams were hammered into the bottom of the bay to support the structure. The boat continued to approach one of the buildings and struck up a conversation with the owner. It is a facility for local fishermen to catch anchovies.

We traveled 5 miles (measured using Google Maps) until we reached one of the river mouths. Natural stone structures were created on the left and right sides of the estuary to anticipate natural factors that cause shifts in the estuary.

It is the Lumut river, whose headwaters are in the Bukit Barisan mountains. Today's target is to follow the river from the estuary as far as we can.

my friend had previously completed a literature analysis and made a map of places that needed to be visited. German traveler Franz Junghuhn, a botanist and geologist, described the flow of the Lumut river in his book "Die Battalander auf Sumatra" in 1847.

Thus, on the south side of the Bay there is a bit of luck in the woods which decorates the ceiling in an uninterrupted manner and see on the right side of this yard of luck a pair of cozy log cabins in the tall grass, much to the dismay of the first person who climbs onto them. That is Jago-jago Village at the end of Kali Lumut. The beach located near the sea is really calm; at the bottom of the Kali, but from somewhere between the mountains, there are triangular walls and decorated with flowers covered with palm trees, which are then regrown by the brand. — The feathers are 250 to 300 Par. Fufa rest and 12 to 15 Fufs rest. — (Junghuhn, Franz Wilhelm, Die Battalander auf Sumatra , p.93, Verlag von G. Reimer, Berlin, 1874.)

We need to do a double check as Junghuhn explained in the past. It turns out that what we are experiencing is similar to what Junghuhn experienced in his time.

After entering the river mouth and sailing for 1 km, we arrived at Jago-Jago Village. A suspension bridge was in front of us, and boats could pass under it. This bridge, which can only be crossed by two-wheeled vehicles, is the only land connection between the two settlements.

We continued along the river against the current, passing palm trees ( Nypa fruticans ) on both sides. According to the motorboat captain, the nipah forest is home to estuarine crocodiles. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to photograph the crocodile sunbathing, the crocodile was only seen once during the trip. As a result, I have no evidence that estuarine crocodiles live in the Lumut River.

We continued walking for another 2.3 miles until we reached a river crossing. The team was still in disagreement about which way we were going to turn. The expedition leader , firmly said, "We turn left." This attitude is based on a literature review.

In the part of the river that starts to get narrower and faster, the sound of the boat engine sounds a bit forced. We started to run into difficulties. A fallen tree in the river marks a less traveled route. The captain deserves recognition because he was able to rise to the challenge. He said that this was the first time he had traversed the route.

At coordinates 1°34'26.6"N 98°51'32.0"E, we were blocked by a very low bridge that we could not cross so the mission failed to reach upstream via the river. The expedition leader's expression looked disappointed. The mission ends there.

The motorboat had been moored, we walked down to look around. The bridge is a palm oil factory facility.

This is truly an unforgettable adventure.

I'm not good at telling stories. Hope you enjoy it.

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