AGPAII Holds Education and Training for Library Staff in Bireuen.

in hive-193186 •  6 months ago 


The Indonesian Islamic Religious Education Teachers Association (AGPAII) of Bireuen Regency in collaboration with the Library Science Study Program of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh held Education and Training (Diklat) on Library Management for Islamic Religious Education (PAI) Teachers in 2024.

This activity took place for four days, August 6-9, 2024 at the Wisma Bireuen Jaya Hall, Meunasah Reuleut, Kota Juang District, Bireuen.

The activity was officially opened by the Head of the Bireuen Regency Education and Culture Office, Muslim MSi. Also attended by the Vice Dean for Academic and Institutional Affairs of the Faculty of Islamic Studies of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Nazaruddin MLIS PhD who is also the Chairperson of the Indonesian Librarian Association of Aceh Province, Chairperson of the Library Science Study Program Mukhtaruddin MLIS, and Chairperson of AGPAII Bireuen Regency, M Nazir SPdI MPd.

In his remarks, Muslim MSi emphasized the importance of innovation in education, including in library management. According to him, libraries have an important role in supporting the learning process in schools and must be managed professionally and be able to adapt to advances in the digital era.


"Teachers must continue to innovate to provide the best service to students. Science and technology continue to develop in accordance with the times, and teachers must be able to adapt to these changes to improve the quality of learning," said Muslim.

The Vice Dean for Academic and Institutional Affairs of the Faculty of Islamic Studies of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Nazaruddin MLIS PhD added that although libraries are often considered as small spaces in the corner of the classroom, the presence of technology today offers opportunities that are not limited by space.

He hopes that this training can provide various benefits, including intellectual, technical, spiritual, and emotional benefits, which will enrich the knowledge and skills of participants in library management.

Head of the Library Science Study Program, FAH UIN Ar-Raniry Mukhtaruddin MLIS, stated that this technical guidance is part of the realization of cooperation between AGPAII Bireuen Regency and the Library Science Study Program, FAH UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. "This technical guidance was attended by 82 participants who were divided into two classes," said Mukhtar.


For four days, said Mukhtar, the participants were trained with various technical skills about school library management, starting from policies, national library standards, library management, collection development, library promotion and marketing, organizing information including cataloging and classification, and implementing technology in school libraries.

On the last day, participants will receive library automation system training by lecturers and alumni of the Library Science Study Program who are members of PD IPI Aceh and Aceh Library Consultant.

The technical guidance presented resource persons, namely the Head of the Bireuen Education and Culture Office, Muslim MSi, Head of the Library Science Study Program, Mukhtaruddin MLIS, Zubaidah, Nazaruddin MLIS PhD, Siti Aminah MMLS, Nurul Rahmi MA, Arkin SIP, Wandi Syahputra SIP, as well as a number of other resource persons and instructors from PD IPI Aceh and ALC.




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