Ceremony to Commemorate the 79th Anniversary of the INDEPENDENCE of the REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA in Bireuen Regency.

in hive-193186 •  7 months ago 


Acting (Pj) Regent of Bireuen, Jalaluddin, SH MM for the first time acted as the ceremony inspector (Irup) during the commemoration of the 79th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia at the Bireuen Regency level, Saturday (17/8/2024) morning at the Cot Gapu Green Open Space (RTH) field, Kota Juang District.

Commander of the Assistance Company Yonif 113/Jaya Sakti First Lieutenant Inf Helda Pragas Setiawan, STr HAN became the ceremony commander followed by Forkopimda officials, and the ranks of the Bireuen Regency Government, related agencies, civil servants, agencies, offices, banks, TNI-Polri, students.


Ceremonial officer First Lieutenant Inf Jamaluddin Pasi Pers Kodim 0111/Bireuen. Commander of the Paskibra, Lieutenant Inf Andi Adianto Yudha, STr HAN, commander of the mechanical platoon of the special company Yonif 113/Jaya Sakti. Reader of the 1945 Constitution (UUD), Mulya Saputra, Head of Youth Division of the Youth, Sports, and Tourism Service (Disporapar) Bireuen. Text of Pancasila Acting Regent of Bireuen, Jalaluddin, SH MM, prayer by Head of the Ministry of Religious Affairs H Akly, SAg MH.

The Paskibra apparatus, namely the bearer of the red and white flag, Annisa Akmavira, a student of SMAN 2 Peusangan.

The commander of the eight troops Muhammad Afqan SMAN 1 Bireuen,
the bearer of the red and white flag, Fatin Al Affani SMA MAS Almuslim, the bearer of the red and white flag, Sultan Raja Muda SMKN 1 Bireuen, the coordinator of SMPN 1 Bireuen.


Coordinator of the Bireuen Regency Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, Mulyadi, gave his appreciation to the Paskibra for successfully carrying out their duties of raising the red and white flag, so that the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia ceremony went smoothly without any obstacles.

"We express our appreciation and gratitude to the Paskibra brothers and sisters for completing their responsibilities as citizens to make the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia a success, we are very proud that they have succeeded in carrying out their duties nobly, after undergoing training and a quarantine period," said Mulyadi, also Assistant I of the District Secretariat.

The Acting Regent of Bireuen, Jalaluddin, SH MM also expressed his gratitude to the Forkopimda officials, related agencies, as well as the Paskibra and the full support of the community in making the 79th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia a success.


"This red and white flag raising ceremony is very sacred, and in the future I hope it can be further improved, and I also hope to instill awareness of the state and nation in society," he hoped.









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