My Actifit Report Card: April 27 2024

in hive-193552 •  last month 

I took a leave today because I was not feeling well when I woke up. I even go back to bed to relax a bit but I need to help my brother-in-law on some important stuff. Then I volunteered for a public service.

After we visited some friends from a neighboring town.
I went home around 3 o'clock. I had some rest then I went to school.

There was a play in which my 3 nephews had a role. I'm not into such musical plays, but I must admit I appreciated them and enjoyed watching my nephews on the stage.

I checked on my phone, but I forgot to open my Actifit app. That's why I got a low count today.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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