My Actifit Report Card: August 04, 2020/ Nature Energiser

in hive-193552 •  5 years ago 

Good Day Actifitters! Welcome to another fitness report. Hope you all are doing well with your stepping today. Morning view of the window showed me cloudy. Today is another extreme hot day again; it’s unpleasant from early morning. I woke up early approx 5:15 A.M. and then I went for my work out schedule. But feeling exhausted after warm as perspiration level was very high, extreme humidity. It was very hot and that walking more than 2 km was very uncomfortable. So, I decided at beginning not go outside but I realized that Exercise, wok out increases energy levels. Exercise improves both the strength and the efficiency of your cardiovascular system to get the oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. As I a nature lover, captivates some pictures of lowers that really make me charming always that I am sharing here.


I have a small kid; I have to be fit and energetic for him as well as for me. Then I went for walk. Getting back home there will be so much to do, the garden, outside stairs will be a mess. So everything is waiting for my attention at home. Now, the time for clean up. I assume that it has been a very busy day.


Then I involved with some house hold activities and have to prepare some heartiest breakfast like Vegetable curry and Roti that is really delicious and nutritive.
After wake up of my little son, I really too busy with him entire the almost full day as in lock down phase, we are unable to go anywhere with my child. So, he expects my full attention towards him.


Now in the evening I am playing with son ‘hide and seek’ in our garden. I really love to play such event as in my child hood I was playing such event with my elder it’s wonderful memories.
So, everyone has a wonderful evening!! See you all again tomorrow

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