Greetings to everyone. today i when on an adventure/harvesting of casava.
Being a farm ten's of kilometers away from home i had to used a moto bike to reach the farm.On my arrival, the pic above show my first activity in the farm.
Harvesting of cavasa was not all about digging and removing as i thought but it had so many procedures attached to such as considering the amount of years the casava plant have made(2 years) before commencing to remove,also the tool u use matters because using a wrong tool will result to a bad results such as continual breaking of the casava fruit.below is another picture after using a good tool such as a hoe.
After harvesting is done and produce transported back home the casava is then pilled and washed to be transform to any of this final products;garri,'water fufu'.
Thanks goes to @etongo,@chaechae,@chegodrick,@ebuahsang1 for guidance and follow-up of this adventure and to @actifit for the opportunity to express myself.
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