My Actifit Report Card: December 16 2022

in hive-193552 •  2 years ago 

Hey Friends...

Have a nice day!

Today, I woke up 5:00 am and started Daily activities.
I walked here and there and went to a other village beside the village I live in.

There have Garbage dump near the village.

I went to throw away the trash to that garbage dump at this evening.
I saw the Pagoda from the garbage dump.
So, I photographed it.

I bought a Level 2 Sports Drink for 35 AFIT to get more +4.5% SPORT Rewards.

Now, I reported when my step milestone 10 K were over.

Good night all.
Thank you Thank you Thank you ❤️
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking

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