Sunny 13k Ruck - My Actifit Report Card: March 21 2021

in hive-193552 •  3 years ago 

What do you do on a sunny spring day? Go for a ruck

It was a fantastic day today. Definitely spring time. Hit the trails again. Upped my pack weight to 28kg (60lbs).

It was t-shirt weather for sure. Still a fair amount of snow on the ground... but enough has melted to make the trail a turn my ruck into muck ruck.

My boots are going to need some work to get them clean. They've been through worse.

So, 13k on the Bruce Trail, t-shirt weather, muck... all add up to a great day on the trails and good way to start the week. Good news too, both my son and wife's test came back COVID negative. Likely a stomache bug or something he ate... wouldn't have thought twice about it a year ago. Different times.

Stay healthy, stay safe and stay active.

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Hiking, Walking

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