Stella T. Dog and I went on a short walk today. A really short one. The weather just wasn’t very good for working around, even with her jacket on. It was snowing, cold, and extremely windy. It was the wind that made it shitty walking weather. At least we got out there, though!
Later on, I did about 25 minutes on the stair climber in the basement. I’ve only recently started using the stair climber, so I’m still working my way up to longer exercises. It’s a little harder than doing the treadmill or the elliptical.
Stella T. Dog is only down here with me until Sunday, so I hope we see some better weather before then. We’ll see. It’s January in Wisconsin, so it’s going to be cold. 🥶 My wife and I have been doing split custody of Stella during our separation, trading off every week or so. It’s better than not seeing her at all. I don’t see many people these days, so it’s nice to have the company of a dog if nothing else. Man, I sound pathetic. Haha.
I’ve got a job interview tomorrow afternoon. I’m not really sure what to expect, but I’m not desperate for work, as I’ve alluded to in other posts. I’m going to continue to be picky and not take any jobs that seem like they’ll suck more than I’m comfortable with.
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Stair Mill,Walking