Yesterday, I tried taking photos of he Geminid meteor shower, but luck wasn't on my side. It's true that it was not the day of their maximum rate when there can be 120 and more meteors per hour.
I didn't see any meteors myself during a nearly three-hour observation. My camera managed to capture only one small meteor but it's too pitiful to share really. At least I tried. I don't regret it at all even though I only got some four hours of sleep. It's better to feel like a zombie after a short trip than due to mental struggles.
Instead of photos, I'm sharing a few AI-generate artworks. The AI got slightly confused, it seems. The results are quite surrealistic.
I wonder why it decided to add the symbols that resemble text on the last picture. I haven't stolen somebody else's work and masked it.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on