🤳 Random Lagi

in hive-193562 •  last month 

Salam Indonesianers

Sunroof kata Maslakoe, Pohon Rindang kataku😅

Atap surya, Jemala Geser alias sunroof adalah istilah untuk atap mobil yang bisa dibuka tutup seperti atap bentor. Mana bisa cabang, ranting, daun pohon digeser-geser biar nampak matahari atau langit🤭😁. Itulah bedanya kalau seniman memilih kata dengan perusak mood seperti aku 😅. Aku paham maksudnya, tapi memang senang saja aku berdebat dan membantah. Biar ujung-ujungnya dapat cium lebih saja🫣.

Pernah kelen jumpa orang yang punya potensi untuk kaya raya dengan melukis atau bikin kerajinan tangan unik, tapi malah dengan santainya bilang gini "Kalau suka dengan lukisan itu, ambil saja. Aku sudah senang karena berhasil menyelesaikannya". Karena yang dijumpainya aku, kuambil lukisannya kukasih sedikit uang pada istrinya. Laaahh? Beli kanvas, cat minyak, kuas dan kopi, pake daun? Iya kali daun emas 🤩. Untung aja istrinya hobi memasak dan bisa berbisnis makanan dengan sukses. Apakah suaminya tak menghasilkan uang sama sekali? Aku tak bertanya, tapi si pelukis sering tak di rumah karena mengerjakan proyek karya seni juga.

Kee atau aku nggak bisa menghentikan perekayasa genetik terus menerus mengawinsilangkan jagung, bunga dan ternak. Mereka punya alasan dan senang melakukannya

Aku terus menulis di komunitas ini meskipun aku tahu tidak ada pembacanya. Lalu buat apa aku menulis?

Buat dibaca sendiri!

Kalau gitu, tulisnya jangan di media sosial dong, buku diary saja. Nah ini! Aku nggak bisa pasang foto kalau di buku😅😁 ntar cepat rusak atau bukunya tercecer. Ada yang mudah, cepat, gratis, besar pula memorinya. Ngapain nyusahin diri sendiri? Eehh .. terus nggak ada pelukis lagi dong, sebab ada aplikasi yang bisa bikin lukisan impian lebih keren hanya dengan mengetikkan kata kunci?

Santuy, makin banyak orang pakai AI, gak sedikit juga orang yang tetap menyukai lukisan Leng Jun

bukan lukisan Van Gogh atau Leng Jun! ini ciptaan Sang Maha Pencipta

Meski AI generated tidak disukai saat ini, itu karena banyak orang yang menggunakannya untuk tujuan komersial, menguntungkan diri sendiri. Kadang2 pening juga aku😵‍💫 sudah tahu kapasitas tiap manusia berbeda, makanya ada teknologi yang dibuat untuk memudahkan manusia oleh manusia juga. Bisa pula diakses oleh semua orang, tapi kok masih dilarang juga🤦

Aku pun karena malas belajar teknik fotografi, sering menyerahkan urusan potret memotret pada tulisan AI yang ada di settingan Kamera 😅😅. Artinya, tugasku membidik obyek dan subyek, perkara poles memoles biar software kamera yang urus. Itu juga karena kamera ngga bisa gerak sendiri. Coba bisa, aku tunjuk2 aja adegan yang mana perlu, dia cari dan edit sendiri, bersih terima jadi tinggal masukkan ke postingan.

Kalau tak difilternya sendiri fotoku oleh kamera itu, tak mau aku pasang di sini. Merusak pemandangan! Aku dan Maslakoe sering tertawa saat melihat foto-foto di galeriku. Terutama potret kami berdua🤣😅 kami bergantian menebak berapa banyak dempul yang dipakai dan berlomba menemukan tahi lalat/flek yang hilang.

Oops, karena ini postingan random, jangan harap ada kualitas di dalamnya. Tak semua orang ingin terkenal. Tak semua orang mau memimpin. Harus ada yang bersorak memberi dukungan saat diperlukan. Pilih saja peran yang sesuai dengan karakter. Kau harus membiarkan orang lain menjalankan perannya juga. Hormati itu dan mari kita lanjut jadi penggembira saja 🤗😉

tulisan ini sengaja dibuat untuk mengisi kekosongan postingan 🤭🫣 bahan tulisan berlimpah, tapi malas betull menyusunnya

Foto- foto di atas diambil menggunakan Poco X3 GT, cerita hanyak fiktif belaka, eehhh😂

550 kata dah cukup, Sampai Lain Kali

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Kee atau aku nggak bisa menghentikan perekayasa genetik terus menerus mengawinsilangkan jagung, bunga dan ternak.

Last night, I was "lucky" enough to eat potatoes with a distinctly pronounced taste of walnuts. I understand that you might speak somewhat metaphorically about similar processes in different areas, including art, but I just can't help but share this experience because I barely finished that potato. Often, I come across apples in the supermarket that end up tasting like strawberries or peaches. When you leave the core of such an apple exposed to the air, it stays white all day, while normal apples usually turn rusty brown due to iron oxidation.

Often, I come across apples in the supermarket that end up tasting like strawberries or peaches. When you leave the core of such an apple exposed to the air, it stays white all day, while normal apples usually turn rusty brown due to iron oxidation.

So, what's an apple now? It's appberry, no? Don't you think it's quite dangerous to have something like that?

You're right, all i want to say is life is dynamic, people are unique. They can do whatever they like but as long as it's not stealing or violating other's rights, they don't deserve to be punished.

You AI generated thingy... We can't stop that anymore, but why worry about it. We still need farmers, painters, artists, etc. because only human can re-create, admire, respect and improvised.

Thanks for stopping by and leave a nice comment as always. Dang it, I read yours and Natalia's 😂😂 you guys are amazing. Can't get in between!!

Don't you think it's quite dangerous to have something like that?

I believe this is dangerous, and the long-term consequences are still unknown to us. There is already wheat with a scorpion gene added (this makes it resistant to heat). How consuming such bread will affect us is unknown, maybe some people will even start growing horns in 40 years.))

I read yours and Natalia's 😂😂

Yes, diodao is absolutely incredible)

You can always join the discussions whenever you're in the mood, @cicisaja

We have dirty apples as wwll. Too long in the cooling cells (years). The inside looks like dough. We call these apples "flourish"

🍀♥️ IMG_20250106_110817_135.jpg

Di antara keuntungan menulis: membentuk mode yang sedang rusak.

Kita bisa membangun suasana, entah itu semangat, kontemplative, atau sebentar membangun rasa bahagia.

Mungkin itu yang sering saya lakukan ketika menulis...

Dan membaca, berarti menyelinap kepikiran orang lain. Tinggal pandai-pandai mendengarnya.

waah menarik ini, ternyata dirimu suka membaca juga.. hehehehe, aku kadang-kadang sengaja menulis random hanya supaya ada yang kubaca saat waktu luang dan biasanya dari tulisanku sendiri aku menemukan kekonyolan-kekonyolan yang asyik untuk kutertawakan sendiri. adakah sesuatu yang terbaca di sini?

You said I shouldn't expect quality in this post but I have discovered something unique from it. Now what do I have to say?....... Hold on ....... Oh... I remember Ai. Hahahah, the painting stuff is difficult for me so I chose AI instead. So talking about AI, the reason why it was invented is to make work easier for human bu5 it seems we have mis use it because you can see that a lot of people can not do anything without the use of AI. Creating Post, generating picture, commenting, and so on. Who are to blame. Laziness. If not laziness we wouldn't be depending solely on Ai. Do you know my next goal? Learning to create my own image on canvas. This AI is doing more harm than good. My thoughts though.

You see I discover a treasure here.

nice catch @mhizta, you are really a smartass!! I tried to cover my focus by writing about something else and share unrelated photos as a cover. But you still see it.. goodness, I think I need to write something funny and thoughtless so that AI can't do anything about it.

you know what, I have copilot on my laptop which will make it easier for me to create something just by typing several keywords. But somehow, I don't like the result. I think I like natural things than AI. Let me know, did you wrote your post in english or in your own language then you use the google translate after that?

I did it Once writing in English then I translated to Spanish. Hmm I can't even remember how it payout self that's why I don't like translating a post again. Some how after translation your post may look like you copy from Ai. What about you?

  ·  last month (edited)

I seldom using translator to write except to read other's posts. I wrote in bahasa, acehnese and english without much trouble. Nice that I have something like grammarly before which helps me corrected the composition and grammar. But, many times I ignore that. English is not my native language, and I'm not trying to win any prizes, it's enough to make people understand what I mean😁 so be it. My broken English won't hurt!

Hahaha, it doesn't hurt ma'am as far your point is clear. At first I thought you were Nigerian until I checked the country tag. I think the broken even makes make your post or comment more appealing. No competition.


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through @steemcurator04. Good post here should be..


Curated by : @fombae

Thank you... 😲 How did you find this? I'll do my best to hide from you @ fombae 🤣🤣