BIREUEN, dubbed the city of struggle, was once part of the history of the struggle for independence of the Republic of Indonesia. Why not? Bireuen was the capital of the third country in 1948. It has become a matter of pride for the people of Aceh. The Dutch carried out a second attack on Yogyakarta so that with the capital city of Indonesia both countries would be controlled by them, forcing President Soekarno to be forced to be exiled to Aceh, to be precise in Bireuen district.
Soekarno came to Bireuen on a Dakota plane until he landed at the Cot Gapu civilian field in June 1948. Bireuen was chosen as the seat of government not only because it is the safest area, but also because Bireuen is the military center of Aceh. Its location is also very strategic in formulating a military strategy to block the Dutch attack in the Medan Area which has controlled East Sumatra.
However, the story about Bireuen is still a matter of debate. Moreover, the official history books in circulation do not mention it.