Celebrating my Small Wins

in hive-193637 •  2 months ago 


Hey Steemians! It's been a while here. So I decided to document some for the activities that kept me away from steemit for a week!

First, as part of my goals for 2025. I registered for a digital skill class and Im currently undergoing training in skills such as email management, lead generation, general virtual assistance, LinkedIn optimization, and we use tools such as Trello, Asana, harvest, google workspace, calendar management tools and much more.

This training is really intense and I'm loving every bit of it. In 2025, it is important to learn a digital skill so as to get better acquainted and move with the moving trends. Of course, not everyone will be interested in learning digital skills and that's okay, we all have our different paths and we will all excel as long as we put our minds and effort in whatever we are doing.

So, working remotely has always been my aim, I feel this need to work at my pace, to offer services to clients, relieve them of their work load and help them save hours every week , thereby focusing on more important tasks relevant to them.

However, in order for this goal to be achieved I needed to do three things, first, pay for a digital skill by a professional, be proactive, consistent and have a "never give up" mindset and grow a strong online presence. I strived to pay for the course and I'm developing my mindset so the only task left for me to do is creating a strong online presence. I created a LinkedIn account in 2022 for no cause😅. I was still in school, juggling courses and assignments so I didn't have time for social media let alone LinkedIn.


Last Sunday, I decided to take decisive actions, showcase my skills and connect with like minded people and who knows a recruiter might be on the way!
I had just 2 connections and I grew it to 100 connections in four days! I understand 100 connections is small and insignificant compared to what others are having, but the truth is everyone must start from somewhere and this is where I'm starting.

Celebrating my "small wins" is one of the things I have promised to do this year and I'm glad I'm doing it. I'm also glad I have a really good platform like steemit to showcase my skills and have friends like @lovinah @ulfatulrahmah share in my joy.😊
I hope to upskill and become more proficient in my skills and of course secure jobs.
You too can look for a skill you love, set your mind to accomplish it , celebrate your small wins and watch yourself soar higher!!

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