Photo hunt for magpie

in hive-193637 •  3 months ago 


Any individual who has attempted to photo a jaybird realizes that this isn't effective all of the time. I'm not by any means the only one who suspects as much. Jaybirds are normal birds that live wherever in our country. They even investigate our yard every once in a while. In the event that I'm strolling without a camera, I can undoubtedly pause and check the jaybird out. Yet, when you go for the gold it, or even get the camera, the jaybird quickly takes off beyond what many would consider possible.


Last Sunday I lucked out. I was strolling through the recreation area and unexpectedly I saw a jaybird strolling. There was an interstate close by, there was commotion from vehicles, and the jaybird lost its watchfulness. This implies she responds more to sounds as opposed to outwardly. This jaybird really wanted to see me. I nearly followed her intently. Despite the fact that she didn't come exceptionally close, the separation from me to her was little.


If by some stroke of good luck she were all the while standing. She ran this way and that, apparently looking for food. Maybe she was avoiding me, trusting that I would become weary of pursuing her and leave.

If by some stroke of good luck she were all the while standing. She ran this way and that, apparently looking for food. Maybe she was avoiding me, trusting that I would become weary of pursuing her and leave.


In any case, I ended up being more quiet than forty. At long last, she was unable to stand my insistence and took off, yet entirely not far. She plunked down on a tree limb, as though stowing away from me. I at long last chosen to surrender and didn't begin shooting her any longer.

If you want to know me better here is my

Thanks you
Best Regards: @amir9988

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