[ESP/ENG] Un lindo ternero alimentándose de pasto/ A cute calf feeding on grass.

in hive-193637 •  2 years ago 


Hola amigos hoy hablaré sobre mi pequeño rubito el cual crece rápidamente, es un poco gloton pero eso es bueno porque se ve que esta muy sano, pronto le tocan sus nuevas vitaminas y desparasitantes.

Todavia no se va con las demás vacas a pastar ya que el lugar es un poco apartado, además de que estará pendiente de amamantarse de su madre y no de comer el pasto como lo hace aquí.

Se debe tener amarrado ya que le gusta correr y puede lesionarse en mi hogar, pero igual se le mantiene su pasto y agua fresco.

En estos dias atras cuando las lluvias eran fuertes se llenaba de lodo y siempre lo estaba limpiando es necesario para que no se enferme de las patas.

Hello friends, today I will talk about my little blonde who grows quickly, he is a bit gluttonous but that is good because he looks very healthy, soon he will get his new vitamins and dewormers.

He still does not go with the other cows to graze since the place is a bit remote, in addition to the fact that he will be aware of suckling from his mother and not eating the grass as he does here.

It must be kept on a leash since it likes to run and can be injured in my home, but its grass and water are still kept fresh.

In these days ago when the rains were strong, it filled with mud and I was always cleaning it, it is necessary so that it does not get sick with its legs.



Es increible lo rapido que ha crecido en sus cinco meses y ya esta mas grande que otros becerros de ocho meses quizas es por su raza.

La vaca es muy celosa con el y cuando llega lo primero que busca es al becerro y le gusta limpiarlo y acariciarlo, el muy feliz de que su madre le haga eso.

Su pasto debe estar fresco porque el seco no le gusta mucho, asi que diariamente me todo una o dos horas para cortarlo en un lugar cercano.

Estas fotografias fueron tomadas de un telefono samsung A32.

Espero que el post les sea de su agrado, saludos y bendiciones.

It is incredible how fast he has grown in his five months and he is already bigger than other eight month old calves, perhaps it is because of his breed.

The cow is very jealous of him and when he arrives the first thing he looks for is the calf and he likes to clean and caress it, he is very happy that his mother does that to him.

His grass must be fresh because he doesn't like dry grass very much, so I spend an hour or two every day to cut it in a nearby place.

These photos were taken from a Samsung A32 phone.

I hope you like the post, greetings and blessings.

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