[ESP/ENG] Una hermosa pareja de pavos/ A beautiful couple of turkeys.

in hive-193637 •  last year 


Hola amigos, hoy hablaré de esta pareja de pavos la cual es muy bella y les encanta cortejarse todos los dias, son de mi madre y me gusta observarlos y alimentarlos cada ves que puedo.

Son animales que se dan muy bien y si se crian de pequeños tendran buen temperamento ademas se acostumbran a la persona que los alimenta.

Su raza es mas blanca y la pava ya a puesto pero lamentablemente no nacieron las crias durante parte del invierno.

Espero tener mas crias estos meses que vienen, ayude a mi madre a hacer un nido donde la pava estará mas comoda.

Hello friends, today I will talk about this couple of turkeys which are very beautiful and they love to cut themselves every day, my mother's son and I like to watch them and feed them every time I can.

They are animals that do very well and if they are raised as children they will have a good temperament and they also get used to the person who feeds them.

Her breed is whiter and the turkey has already laid but unfortunately the babies were not born during part of the winter.

I hope to have more chicks in the coming months, help my mother make a nest where the turkey will be more comfortable.



Tienen compañeros y son las gallinas que ya estan acostumbradas a ellos, y no se molestan entre sí.

Tienen una dieta a base de maiz amarillo, frutas, verduras y plantas que los ayuda a fortalecerse, además se les debe dar vitaminas y desparasitantes.

Dentro de pocos meses van a llegar mas al gallinero y esto me emociona, son difícil de criar pero vale la pena.

Estas fotografias fueron tomadas de un telefono samsung A32.

Espero que el post les sea de su agrado, saludos y bendiciones.

They have companions and they are the hens who are already used to them, and they do not bother each other.

They have a diet based on yellow corn, fruits, vegetables and plants that help them get stronger, and they must also be given vitamins and dewormers.

In a few months more will arrive in the chicken coop and this excites me, they are difficult to raise but it is worth it.

These photographs were taken from a Samsung A32 phone.

I hope you like the post, greetings and blessings.

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