Contest: The Inevitable Vanity

in hive-193637 •  last month 

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Hello friends and welcome to my article, I specially appreciate @cruzamilcar63 for organizing such an interesting contest and I would indeed be taking my part in the dynamics immediately.

Have you ever had to deal with vain people?

Vain people accidentally live amongst us, they are the proverbial wolves arrayed in sheep clothing. They exist in every nuke and crane of our world. They appeal as being friends but eventually sting you badly where it hurts the most.

Importantly, I have a friend who has been so close to me, we have lived for years together and all things appeared smooth. He appeared all so friendly and showing me concern and care when I needed it most. Eventually I got a business deal and bagged a lot of profit gaining about 200% profit from a deal and we all celebrated.

The bad omen was that he slipped something into my drink and I overslept and he ended up taking 70% of the proceeds while I was knocked out due to what he put in my drinks. He has not contacted me till today, it has always been his deal all the whole time. He was a friend due to what he had to gain and exploited my ignorance at the right time a good instance of a vain friend!

Is it necessary that on certain occasions we should behave in vain manner?

Transparency has remained my man virtue, I could not fake my feelings or expressions. I would always complain if I find out a situation I hate, I cannot act in a vain manner. My facial expression shows disgust if I'm offended and bliss when happy with you.

However, on certain occasions we must act in vain manner, picture a scenario, where you get involved in political activities with dubious men who are really bad people and could kill you at any time. You have to dance to their tune with all the vain attitude and eventually, take off at any slightest opportunity to save your head on your neck! Escaping their mischievous acts through this vain act would be quite expedient.

17380161486303773338295434554172.jpgsourcevain friends could stab you at the back!

Do you think that behind vanity there is a problem of insecurity?

The theme of vanity is actually insecurity. You could actually act in a vain attitude to gratify your insecurity. You do these van activities to protect your interest and make away with a thing or two. There is indeed insecurity in any vain act. You must act vainly to deceive your prey and secure your possession or steal favors or special valuable this protecting self interest.

It is said that some people through their excuse expression of humility, hide a high degree of vanity. Do you agree with this assertion?

Exactly! Deceptive conniving people could express a plastic smile, comforting embrace and a lot of other great deceptive activities engrosser in devilish hearts. They act as sants as though they could not hurt a fly all engrossed in humility.

A low life would always act humble before a prince or king to earn favors and save his life, put food on his table and that of his families' it is indeed a thing we should all look out for. Importantly, when table turns he could exploit the king and make away with his properties becoming a voracious carnivore ready to devour any spoil in terms of wealth and material possessions. This assertions has and always be a valid ideology.

I have concluded my article and invite @mayberling @nancy0 @mariami @solperez to share their thoughts on this contest
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¡Saludos amiga!🤗

La linea entre ser sencillo o vanidoso, es muy delgada y, lamentablemente es más fácil caer hacia el costado de la vanidad que la sencillez. Sin embargo, soy partidaria de creer que sí es posible evitar llegar a ese costado y para ello, acoplarnos a una actitud sencilla, es la mejor solución.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Much thanks my dear friend for the honor of stopping by my article and dropping such valuable feedback too.