in hive-193637 •  4 years ago 

So a hand was no longer just a hand,
The plot was given that the good vibes celebrate,
Isolated individual lost importance,
Each one feeling that someone is by their side.

The fight did not feel easy to end,
The laziness playing at not letting the good happen,
Egoism fighting to be the leader of this present,
I decided it as the ever-latent factor.

So today we are the rebels who do not give in,
The constant fighters of those little steps,
Small steps that mark the way to a new future,
Future that is only built on the day that passes today.

Now free our minds from unnecessary myths,
Positive reactions that, although small, make changes;
Indelible marks that we leave in the world today,
Betting to improve everything for our children.


Así una mano ya no fué solo una mano,
Se dió el complot que la buena vibra celebra,
Perdió importancia el individuo aislado,
Cada cual sintiendo que alguien está a su lado.

La lucha no se sentía de fácil final,
La flojera jugando a no dejar que lo bueno sucediera,
El egoísmo luchando por ser el líder de este presente,
La decidía como el factor siempre latente.

Así hoy somos los rebeldes que no ceden,
Los luchadores constantes de esos pequeños pasos,
Pequeños pasos que marcan el camino a un nuevo futuro,
Futuro que solo se edifica en el día que hoy transcurre.

Ahora libres nuestras mentes de mitos innecesarios,
Positivas reacciones que, aunque pequeñas, hacen cambios;
Marcas indelebles que hoy dejamos en el mundo,
Apostando a mejorar todo para nuestros hijos.


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& Telegram as @DarkFemme

All the separators and the signature are my own, made with ibispaint.
Remember that the source of the cover image is under it in the hyperlink.
Original content that will be promoted on other social networks with the same username.

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