Betterlife-The Diary Game (16 December 2024) || Self care is the first thing to do.

in hive-193637 •  3 months ago 


Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing well. I am here to share my day with all of you in Steem Venezuela community. Hopefully you will enjoy while reading my day. So let's start;

The Diary Game

I wake up early in the morning and after making ablution, I completed my morning worship. It was early morning that's why I slept again for completing my sleep. At about 8 am I woke up again and got ready to go on my shop. After reaching at my shop, I made tea for my breakfast. My breakfast was same as my daily routine as I eaten paratha with one cup of tea in my breakfast.


First I bought one kg milk from milk shop. This milk was enough for making 5 cups of tea as we were five people together in breakfast. Than I made tea, my another went to hotal and took 5 parathas one for each person. When he returned the was ready and we took breakfast immediately.


Aftet taking breakfast I went to do some electric work in Tariq Garden society, Lahore. As it is near to Valancia society that is why I reached in the house of customer with in 5 minutes. They guided me, mean where the I had to do my work. There was a washing machine which was showing problem. I examined it and resolved the issue in 30 minutes.


Than I took my way to back to shop. It was the time of prayer and the calls of prayer was coming from mosques thats why I decided to offer prayer first. I reached in masjid, made ablution and offered prayer. As there is very cold in these days, there was an arrangement of keeping inside of mosque warm so that everyone can offer prayer easily. I also felt very warmth and comfortable.


Than I returned to my shop where my brother asked from me for dinner. But I did not want to eat anything rather I wanted to escape from cold. I asked them that only I wanted to drink one cup of milk. My brother bought some milk from milk shop and also mixed one egg in it and than offered me. This was so tasty and I felt some relax after drinking the milk.


After that I closed my shop and locked it and headed towards my room. In room when I was ready for sleeping, I applied skin protective serum on my face and handa. As it is very necessary to keep ourselves moist in this winter season. Self care is the first thing to do for preventing ourselves from further inconveniences.


After applying the serum on my face and hands, I used my mobile for a while. It was about 12:30 am when I slept.

So this is all about my day. Hopefully you will like my diary.

Note: All pictures are my own property.


With best wishes


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Hello friend, take some time to dedicate to our space, whether in our home or on our person.

Friend, your post contains images that do not correspond to the date of the post, you must correct and verify your images.

Saludos 👍🇻🇪

Sir, all images are of same but, excluding one which is uploaded by mistakenly in the place of original one.