SEC-S5:W2 - Let's talk about animals.steemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-193637 •  2 years ago 

262994_144368152315261_3529892_n.jpg Rocky (Sunset: 2013)

What is or are your favorite animal(s), indicate why.

I have to happen to be around several animals, and some of them I have treated as pets and others as food. My favorite animal is a Dog. Dogs are the only animal I have had the chance to understand and live with.

Dogs are of different species, and here in the community, you hardly find adorable ones. I will give the reason why I pick a dog as my favorite. Dogs show a high level of companionship, which can help me when no one is around me. Dogs help me reduce stress by alleviating stress, and anxiety when I feel distributed. Dogs love walking, which can help me walk long distances without noticing. Dogs draw the attention of people, many people admire me when I'm walking with the late Rocky. Even those who are scared of dogs. During my time with Rocky, I had an increased level of social interaction. Many will engage in a discussion just to have Rocky and I around them.

Do you have pets at home, how did they come to the family, what are the reasons for not taking care of them?

Well, I don't have a pet at home now. I had a pet in my secondary school days. These were the days my Dad was the conservator at the Sanctuary(Limbe Zoological Garden). The Garden was a Sanctuary for animals and birds. So one day, One German had to go back to his country. So he came to the Sanctuary to offer his Dog(Rocky), which he has been living with. Unfortunately for him, the sanctuary did not have space for dogs. The Zoological Garden is more for endangered species and animals whose parents have been hunted for food in the forest.

SDC10983.JPG Handover Rocky to my Dad (2008)

262994_144368152315261_3529892_n.jpg Rocky (Sunset: 2013)

So my Dad explained to the German, and he was disappointed as he did not know what to do with Rocky. I was there with him that day, and the German asked about my Day. Why can't you take Rocky home? My Dad's response was, there will be no one to take care of Rocky. Then he turned again and asked me. Will love to have Rocky with you at home. I smile and say yes. So that is how Rocky joins our family as one of the family members. It was so awesome to have Rocky with us, as everyone eventually loved her.

Rocky was alone, and I took care of her. I put in a lot of effort, as it was not easy for Rocky to attempt a new lifestyle. Rocky used to live in the house, so it was a problem to have her outside. During Rocky's first two weeks, she slept in my room. Rocky was trained as an indoor pet and not an outdoor domestic animal. I was okay having Rocky around, as no one got into my room in my absence. It was time-consuming, as I had to wash Rocky every evening before going to bed. His breakfast was richer than my meal. I remember I had to complain to my Dad, that we were spending more on a Rocky than on the house as a whole. Well, it was understood that we had to take some time to adapt Rocky to the new environment.

Do you know an animal in a street situation in your community, let's talk about it.

Yeah, we have so many animals on the street in my community. What I have come to notice is many don't know how to take care of animals. It makes it difficult to differentiate, which is a pet or an animal kept for consumption. In my community, I don't know any domestic animal that is not for consumption. Most people have animals around for consumption.

So, the people in my community don't know how to invest time in the animals they take to live with. Most of the time these street animals are newborns that the owner of the parent animals has abandoned. Most of the time it reduces the expenditure on both parents and little ones.

My advice is for us to be responsible when taking an animal to be part of our family. Animals have families, so if we humans want to break the bond of our family. We should try to fit in and show these animals the love they deserve.

Is there a foundation that provides care for animals in your community, show us how to reach them through What3Words.



Sanctuary(Limbe Zoological Garden)

In my country, we have sanctuaries all over to take care of endangered species and orphan animals. As for street animals, I can't remember any foundation that has taken it upon itself to take care of such animals. Presently, I have relocated but I had the chance to live in an animal sanctuary for over 8 years with animals.

Share a story about any animal you have met.

Hahahahaahah, I will share the fun story that happens in the Sanctuary. It was one afternoon, and I went to town to see my friend. On coming back, one of the Monkeys in the cage jumped out. Normally, the cages are electrified. But for some reason, that afternoon there was an electricity outage. These monkeys were intelligent animals. When they electricity, You will hear the wires giving a spark sound. So it looked like this monkey noticed that it was all quiet. Since they know it electrifies, they usually do not go close. But this day, this guy decides to give it a try as the wires were quiet with no spark sound. He jumped out of the cage, and was moving and finally out of the sanctuary into a nearby forest.

So I came back when workers had gone in search of the monkey, and my kid brother was at home. I got home and knocked on the door. He answers, and I ask him to open the door. Listen to my brother, “A monkey had jumped out of its cage”. I was like eh, I'm outside, and you are inside. Can you come open the door? It was funny to me that the person who was safe inside was telling me outside. Instead of opening the door for me to join him inside for safety.

What are the possible benefits and risks of having a pet at home?

Well, it will depend on what animal you have at home as a pet. Then again I will always say from my experience, your financial standard counts a lot when thinking of having a pet at home. Time I had with Late Rocky, he was a great companion to me. Pet always fills in when no one is there for you.

As for the risk, the kind of animal you want to have at home as a pet matter. If you have a lion home as a pet, you are putting your life at risk. Like one of the written on the walls in the zoo says “Animals will always be animals' '. No matter how you try to tempt it, it is still an animal with wild feature characteristics. For example, if you don't have the financial standing to raise a dog or a cat, you will be indirectly cohabiting with a wild and reckless street animal which will mostly be the stress.

I had the chance to understand some species of animals and dogs in particular. They have been shown to be one of the most interesting pets to have around. I don't have one now, because my wife is not fond of pets. My daughter and I love pets, we plan to have one when she is 15. We are sure by then we both have the time and resources to care for the pet.

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Hello @fombae friend, this story of the monkey cage was impressive, I think it would have scared me with some runaway monkey around, hahahaha

Great participation friend.

Hahahahahahaha, many were scared. I was scared as I waited for my kid brother to open the door.

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Your dog looks really cute. It wasn't easy for Rocky to adjust but you put in a lot of effort, and it was worthwhile.