My urbanization is called Rafael Caldera, it is large and several years ago they placed some gates and closed it completely, now it is safer than before, the children can go out to play with a little more tranquility, now it is asleep, the neighbors have paid enough attention to the call to "Stay Home" and they are behaving up to the task. No one can see their respiratory protection and commercial establishments have established the rule that if you do not have it, you cannot enter the place and of course they will not be attended to.

Estos son tiempos inciertos, la pandemia mundial ha estado transformando la vida millones de personas de una manera inimaginable, los cambios se han estado dando tan rapidamente que nos han tomado por sorpresa, aun despues de tanto tiempo todos estamos tratando de adaptarnos a esta realidad sobre todos nuestros niños, pero tenemos la esperanza de que esto acabe pronto, aunque es imposible predecir cuanto durara y que consecuencias tendra para todos.
La demostración de solidaridad, responsabilidad, civismo y prevención es más que evidente…. Un gran aplauso a mi hermosa comunidad.
These are uncertain times, the global pandemic has been transforming the lives of millions of people in an unimaginable way, the changes have been taking place so quickly that they have taken us by surprise, even after so long we are all trying to adapt to this reality about all of our children, but we hope that this will end soon, although it is impossible to predict how long it will last and what consequences it will have for everyone.
The demonstration of solidarity, responsibility, civility and prevention is more than evident…. A big round of applause to my beautiful community.
Pasen un feliz y bendecido día
fotos tomadas de mi telefono ZTE.
Have a happy and blessed day
photos taken from my ZTE phone.