SEC-S18-W3: "Letter to my father" The Real Hero

in hive-193637 •  4 months ago 

Hello my Steemian Friends..

We all have a great figure behind all our great achievements. A great figure, loyal, understanding and often the first love for women. The father..

SEC - S11W5_20240607_144208_0000.pngcreated on Canva

Sometimes we forget the role this person plays in all our achievements. In fact, it is often he who is the main key. Therefore, through this contest, let's all take a moment to recognize the hard work of our fathers, who never stop and give up on supporting us.


I think my father is the best father in the world. He raised me to be strong, independent, and disciplined. He was not always warm when it came to educating me. But I believe he is preparing a child to be responsible for his own life.


I really idolize this person. And I also respect him a lot. He never complained about my failures. He encouraged me in his own way, which surprised me in the end. He's also the one I've leaned on all these years. I don't know how long it will last, but I can honestly say that even now I am nothing without him.


My father was always present on the important days of my life. He was very enthusiastic to see the big achievements in his son's life. One of them was the day I graduated. I'm sure my father was happy on that day. The smile he showed was very sincere, and he couldn't hide his happiness. If time could be turned back, I would like to thank him on that day.

IMG1895.jpgThe moment when I got married

When I married, he was also present. I considered how loyal this person is. Always supportive of whatever I choose. And what makes me respect him the most is his thoughtful demeanor and refusal to complain. I hope to be like him when I have children, that can provide selfless love and faithful support regardless of the circumstances.


There was one moment that made me admire him even more. Even in his old age, he believed that education was extremely important. My father completed his master's degree at an age that I believe is no longer young. At that age, there are undoubtedly numerous challenges to pursuing an education.

That seems really cool and would be an inspiration to me. He went to college again to advance his career, which will benefit his family financially. I'm aware of this, and it makes me respect him even more.

We may have been born by our mothers, but we should never forget that it is through our fathers' sweat that we are able to live.


To you, my father..
How much I respect you. Continue to support me and be wise in your actions. Give advice and keep leading me to the right path. There's not much I can do to repay your great love. And forgive me if i still disappoints you for my stupid actions 🙏🏻

Big thanks to @teamvenezuela for organize this amazing theme. I invite @fantvwiki @megaaulia @meriseptriyanti to join this contest.

Best Regards


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Terharu baca postingan pak ulil, salam hormat untuk ayah-ayah kita tercinta, walau ayah saya sudah tiada tapi kenangan tentang beliau masih selalu saya ingat.

Al-fatihah untuk almarhum. Saya yakin kenangan yang anda maksud begitu indah dan kuat 🙏 terimakasih sudah singgah di postingan saya buk

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sungguh enak sekali yang masih ada father, bisa menikmati hari bersama. saya sungguh iri dengan anda. saya satu photopun gak ada kenangan bersama father

Al-fatihah untuk almarhum, semoga dilapangkan kubur beliau seluas2nya oleh Allah SWT. Maafkan saya baru tau ya kk. Terimakasih sudah memberi respon nya kk Sri 🙏🙏

Aamiin,,, tapi saya senang melihat teman-teman yang masih lengkap kedua orang tuanya

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Saya kenal betul sosok Pahlawan dalam hidup anda ini, dia pernah membimbing dan mengarahkan saya sebagai bawahannya di kantor, semoga beliau selalu diberikan kesehatan, salam terbaik untuknya.
Semoga sukses.

Terimakasih banyak pak Irfan untuk respon baiknya 🙏

Oh yes! We support ANY quality post and
good comment ANYWHERE and at ANYTIME
Curated by : @𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖺𝖽𝗂

Terimakasih untuk dukungannya pak 🙏👍👍

Tulisan yang sangat luar biasa. Saya sangat senang ketika membaca dan mengetahui seorang anak yang sangat menyanyangi dan menghormati ayah mereka. Karena saya salah satu anak yang dekat dengan ayah dan sangat mencintainya.
Ayah adalah sosok pahlawan yang sangat berjasa dalam hidup kita. Ayah bisa bersabar dan menahan keinginannya demi memenuhi kebutuhan anaknya. Ayah yang bekerja keras untuk menghidupi anak-anaknya. Ayah adalah pahlawan setiap anak

Benar kak, terlebih bagi anak perempuan ayah adalah cinta pertama mereka. Terimakasih banyak, saya menunggu postingan anda di tema ini 👍


You are right father is hero of their children and yeah they are the best person in the life who knew very well how to educate their children.
As you mentioned he was bit strong in sense of education he know how to prepare you for bright future and he us very successful in this regard.

Good luck

That's totally right my friend. Thank u for stoping by on my post. I highly apreciate it 👍🙏

Its always my pleasure to support my friends by comments.

আপনি আপনার বাবাকে পৃথিবীর সবছেয়ে সেরা বাবা মনে করেন। সে আপনাকে স্বাধীন চিন্তা করতে ও ডিসিপ্লিন হতে শিখিয়েছেন।
আপনি যেদিন গ্রাজুয়েট হয়েছিলেন সেদিন সে খুব খুশি হয়েছিলেন। তিনি নিজেও প্রায় বৃদ্ধ বয়সে মাস্টার্স ডিগ্রি অর্জন করেছেন জেনে খুব ভালো লাগলো।

প্রার্থনা করি তিনি দীর্ঘজীবী হন এবং আপনার পাশে সব সময় থাকুন। প্রতিযোগিতায় আপনার সফলতা কামনা করছি।

Thank u so much for ur valuable comment on my post, friend. It really make my day 🙏👍

😃¡Hola amigo!👋🏻

Veo lo muchos que querías a tu padre, ya que el te ayudó en muchas cosas y te animó para que salieras adelante y tuvieras un buen futuro. Y eso es lo que todos nuestro padres quieren, por eso nos dan muchos concejos y su apoyo.💖

Me gustó mucho tus palabras a tu padre, ya que expresas ese gran agradecimiento a tu padre. Se que el fue un buen hombre, y que Dios le halla bendecido su buen corazón.

Me gustó mucho leerte. Exitos en este desafío. Abrazos.🤗

Estoy muy contento con su respuesta. Es señal de que has leído bien mi post. Muchas gracias, amigo mío. Te lo agradezco de verdad 🙏


Saludos amigo!

Que forma tan bonita de ver y de expresarte de tu padre. Como se ve que realizo un extraordinario trabajo educándote. Siempre ha estado allí en cada momento especial de tu vida, y esos para nosotros como hijos, es maravilloso. Allí vemos el amor tan grande que nos tienen.

Te deseo muchas bendiciones para ti y tu padre, que continúen fortaleciendo esa bella relación cada día mas.

Muchas gracias por las amables palabras compañero. Me han alegrado mucho el día. Saludos bendeciones 🙏

Has dicho una frase muy valiosa: Las madres traen hijos al mundo; pero los padres correctos, como el tuyo, se preocupa por mantenerlos, cuidarlos e inculcarles valores. Eso los hace imprescindibles. Nos seguiremos leyendo. Suerte.

Es agradable cuando alguien lee nuestros posts con detalle. Gracias por eso, amigo. Te lo agradezco mucho. Saludos 👍