That great wish for my country/ wishing my country peace and good economy.

in hive-193637 •  2 months ago  (edited)

Greetings every one ,my friends and love ones

Am so excited to participate in this wonderful contest "That great wish for my country/ plus the title you want."


The greates wish for my country is for peace and prosperity to regin , divinition of equal right and responsibility for all our citizen.

for our country to be a role model to other different countries and also shining example of justice ,equlity and progress,i wish that our ruler will sponsor free education

I wish that my country will be a place of building ,a strong inclusive ,where all citizen can pursure their dreams and live with dignity and respect .

i wish that our ruler will woke toward those dedication to value such as :

Social justic
Democracy and transparency
Economic wishes
Peace and security

  • social justice: i wish that my country will work to eliminate social in equalities ,promoting equal right afor all citizen, not minding their race ,gender, or even the socioeconomic status
  • Enviromental responsibility : i wish my country will take a step to protect and preserve the eviromental and promotes greener and healther enviroment
  • Democracy and transparency i also wish that our rulers is responsive to the need and concern of the people ,making a transparent law and decision that will be suitable for all
  • Education :i wish that my country will provide free and quality education for all citizen weather rich or poor,promiting a good learning opportunities for all students and empowering people with different skill and knowleage that will contributes to a good and smooth runing f our country
  • Peace and security: i also wish that our country will promotes peaceful co-existence ,resolving conflict and ensuring a safe and security of our enviroment
  • Economic wishes :i also wish our country will see the benefits of economic , sponsoring our traders, and business peoples they huge amount of money to support in their business


I also wish that our rulers will see to our country's technologies innovation and also solve the societal problem, improving living standard and enhance the quality of life for all citizen

my wishes is that our presidents will be guild by wisdom ,intergrity and a commitment to justics, making a decision for the betterment of our country and it's people

May our rulers be guild by sense of justic and fairness ,ensuring that all citizens are treated equally

May our rulers prioritize education and i nvest in the future of our youth and younger ones

May our ruler promote peace and stability of our country ,working towards a better future of all

My little adivice is that we should be the change we want to see ,take action to promote the value and belive of our country ,alwasy volunter or just ,be kind and compassionate

Use your voice to spesak up for what is right ,dont be affraid toadvocate for the thing that matter to you,always stay informed and educated

Support organization and lead by example ,vote and engage in the democratic process ,your vote is your choice,lt's important to use it wisely


My prayer is that God will bless us with wisdom and strenngth ,to build a country that is just and compassionate ,guild our leaders with your wisdom and inspira them to act with intergrity and courage

I pray for those who are strugling ,those who are marginalize amd those who are sufferingay we be the source of healing and comfort in their lives and in our communities

I offer this prayer in the name of our lord jesus ,confident in your love and care for us

Thanks for reading

I will like to invite my friend @victorlives @emmaprinces @patjewell to join in this wonderful contest

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I think what you wish for your country in your post are wishes that we all so badly want for ours too.
The world is just a big mess! You just need to watch the news at night to know that.

Best wishes for the contest, and thank you for the invitation.

Thanks for your comment

Pleasure! 🎕