[ESP/ENG] Un jardín con variedad de flores/ A garden with a variety of flowers.

in hive-193637 •  11 months ago 


Hola queridos amigos de esta hermosa comunidad, bendecido dia, hoy les hablaré sobre estas bellas flores de mi jardín, debo decir que esta época es de mis preferidas y mas que tengo a mis plantas florecidas.

Algunas no emanan ese rico aroma pero igual siempre estan bellas y dan armonía a mi hogar que es lo importante.

Si bien es cierto teniamos un clima demasiado difícil por las altas temperaturas todo se ha ido acomodando poco a poco y ha llovido lo suficiente.

Las he cambiado de lugar la que lo necesitaban y a otras les agregue abono para reforzar, tambien agregue cascara de huevo triturada para ayudarlas con el calcio.

No he tenido la necesidad de regarlas por las lluvias que han caido y solo me toca cortar algunas ramas para ayudarlas.

Hello dear friends of this beautiful community, blessed day, today I will talk to you about these beautiful flowers in my garden, I must say that this season is one of my favorites and even more so that I have my plants in bloom.

Some do not emanate that rich aroma but they are always beautiful and give harmony to my home, which is what is important.

Although it is true that we had a very difficult climate due to the high temperatures, everything has been settling in little by little and it has rained enough.

I have moved the ones that needed it and to others we added fertilizer to reinforce, I also added crushed eggshell to help them with calcium.

I have not had the need to remember them because of the rains that have fallen and I only have to cut some branches to help them.



Aqui podemos encontrar la variedad de trinitaria, manti de rey y corona de cristo, cada una hermosa a su manera.

La mayoria las mantengo en porrón y como son decorativas se me facilita cambiarlas y combinarlas.

Algunas se pueden pegar por esquejes y otras por medio de semillas y también hijos que crecen a su alrededor, tenemos varias opciones.

Autor: @merlyned
Teléfono: Blu studio.
Espero que el post les sea de su agrado, saludos.

Here we can find the variety of trinitaria, king's manti and crown of Christ, each beautiful in its own way.

I keep most of them in a jar and since they are decorative it makes it easy for me to change and combine them.

Some can be planted through cuttings and others through seeds and also children that grow around them, we have several options.

Author: @merlyned
Telephone: Estudio Blu.
I hope you like the post, greetings.

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