[ESP/ENG] Una tara en mi jardín/ A tare in my garden.

in hive-193637 •  2 years ago 


Hola queridos amigos de esta hermosa comunidad, bendecido dia, hoy hablaré de esta tara la cual siempre esta sobre mis plantas, quizas se alimenta de ellas y mas que estamos en epoca de lluvias.

Me gusta la increíble forma que posee y la capacidad de camuflarse, algunas aves las buscan para comerlas y las arañas hacen lo posible por atraparlas.

Son parientes del saltamontes y pueden acabar con cultivos si se lo proponen, es dificil alejarlos cuando llegan en grandes cantidades.

No debemos descuidarnos con ellas y se han visto casos donde acaban con sembradios enteros y han lesionado a personas.

Posee un bello color y podemos confundirlas facilmente con las hojas verdes, ellas se reproducen en grandes cantidades y los machos son mas pequeños que las hembras.

Hello dear friends of this beautiful community, blessed day, today I will talk about this tara which is always on my plants, perhaps it feeds on them and more so since we are in the rainy season.

I like the incredible shape it has and the ability to camouflage itself, some birds look for them to eat them and spiders do their best to catch them.

They are relatives of the grasshopper and can kill crops if they want to, it is difficult to drive them away when they arrive in large numbers.

We must not neglect them and there have been cases where they destroy entire crops and have injured people.

It has a beautiful color and we can easily confuse them with the green leaves, they will reproduce in large numbers and the males are smaller than the females.



Me entretengo fotografiandolas y esto se debe a que debemos tener paciencia y que estas lleguen volando, eso si poseen patas largas que les permiten impulsarse rápidamente.

En algunos paises asiaticos les gusta comerlas en salsas y fritas, pero yo no me atreveria a hacerlo, pero si respeto esas tradiciones.

Por ahora las dejo en mi jardín ya que solo veo pocas y ellas tambien comen otras plagas de insectos mas agresivas.

Autor: @merlyned
Teléfono: Blu studio.
Espero que el post les sea de su agrado, saludos.

I amuse myself by photographing them and this is because we must be patient and that they arrive flying, that is if they have long legs that allow them to propel themselves quickly.

In some Asian countries they like to eat them in sauces and fried, but I wouldn't dare to do it, but I do respect those traditions.

For now I leave them in my garden since I only see a few and they also come with other insect pests, more aggression.

Author: @merlyned
Telephone: Studio Blu.
I hope you like the post, greetings.

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