SEC-S10W5 – "My favorite place"

in hive-193637 •  last year 

Home Sweet Home made with Canva

I consider myself lucky to have had the opportunity to travel the world, not only for work but also for pleasure.

When I saw the question "What is your favorite place" I sat and wondered. Is it in America, the land down south, Australia, or is it in Bangkok, Thailand, where part of my heart is. What about home soil, Africa? My thoughts started to race through the beautiful places in my own beloved country, South Africa.

Is it the Kruger National Park which is home of the Big 5 (African elephant, buffalo, lion, leopard, and rhinoceros), majestic Table Mountain in Cape Town, or one of the mesmerizing fisherman villages on the West Coast like Paternoster? Not to mention the warm water of the Indian Ocean.

I got stuck in one place, "HOME SWEET HOME."

I know that many of you know the phrase, but what you might not know is that this phrase comes from a song. "Clari, or the Maid of Milan" is the name of the opera in which this song was sang in 1823. Reference A song I have listened to many times.

Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam
Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home
A charm from the skies seems to hallow us there
Which seek thro' the world, is ne'er met elsewhere
Home! Home!
Sweet, sweet home!
There's no place like home
There's no place like home!

For me, there is no better place to be than in the comfort and warmth of my own home. It is the place I would choose a thousand times, because it brings me peace and plenty of happiness.

What makes it so special?

Aunty Google will tell us that home is a place where we start our day in the early mornings and rest our heads at night and that it is a place where memories are made. For me, there is so much more to what makes my home special.

🏡 Home is where I said my first word
🏡 Home is where I took my first step
🏡 Home is where I learned valuable lessons
🏡 Home is where I had my first encounter with love
🏡 Home is where I experienced motherhood
🏡 Home is where I cry when life through curveballs
🏡 Home is where I laugh until I cry
🏡 Home is where I can spoil my loved ones
🏡 Home is where I can put my feet on the coach when I want to

My home is where I want to be!

What do I do in my favorite place?

The question should be, What don’t I do in my favorite place.

As I grew up what I did at home changed. These days I found myself not only being a business owner but also an executive housewife, housekeeper, homemaker, chef, baker, teacher, nurse, gardener, handyman, counsellor, entertainer, and bookkeeper. All of this happening at my own home!

Then there are those days when I have to play along when there are not enough players to make full teams or be the umpire when there are two teams. Not to mention sitting and watching my stepson play his games cheering him on, and lending a helping hand to my husband when he is getting his fishing gear ready for his next fishing trip. I’ve become an expert in my own home.

During the midst of all these things I read and I learn. When I have the chance I watch television and cheer for my favorite sport, cricket.

Home is where I camp at night in my warm bed and praise my Heavenly Father when I open my eyes in the morning.

I almost forgot, it is also where I am an author, where I post, comment, vote, and powerup.

Home is where things happen.

Memories of my favorite place, home

*Home *Sweet *Home


Home is where my parents taught us valuable lessons of life, those fruits of the Spirit we learn about when we start Sunday school, love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

I will never forget the family "braai’s" (South African barbeque), listening and dancing to the music on the LP’s Dad would play for us. The fighting amongst us children and the sweet making up. Falling asleep as we listened to the stories the grownups shared with us when they were little, and waking up in the morning to find that our cousins are all gone.


My home is filled with laughter, warmth without a blanket, filled with the aroma of fresh brewing coffee, and the smell of fresh crashed garlic, all that is needed to make home "sweet."

Moms recipe book

My mom pleased us as kids with her cookies and chocolate cake when we were little. Later she stole the hearts of her grandchildren. Quickly she was named "Ouma nog een" (granny one more) as she always told them to have one more cookie.

My mom might not be with me forever, but she will fill my home with her smells for years to come making it sweet as I continue baking and cooking from her recipes.


There is a saying, "A house is built by hands, but a home is built by hearts."
This is my home.

The memories of my children and family visiting. The grandchildren running in the house, laughter as they play on the grass and the "please" and "thank you’s" I will never forget, the true blessings of my home.

Home, my favorite place, is not made of bricks and stone but of LOVE!



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Amiga creo que los mejores recuerdos están en el hogar donde crecimos, dónde jugamos y vivimos los mejore momentos de nuestras vida, sin duda alguna esos son los mejores momentos y que hoy por hoy sigue siendo nuestro hogar el mejor lugar favorito!! Saludos

Indeed! Home, the best place to create those memories.
Thank you for the visit and the engagement with my post.
It is appreciated!

Es mi hogar también mi lugar favorito. Todo lo que hay acá tiene mi sello. Además diseñé mi casa y ayudé a levantarla. Es un hogar vintage. Pues amo todo lo antiguo. Para mí las puertas y las ventanas han de contar una historia, y así es todo lo que hay en casa.

Me encantó tu participación. Mucha suerte.

I also love the old. I even have some furniture in my home that belonged to my grandparents and that my dad restored to its full glory for me.
Our previous house was this ultra modern 5 story home, but I could never call it "home". Now we live in a house that has "home" written on all the walls. (•ิ‿•ิ)
Thanks for the visit!

@patjewell, And there the importance of knowing and traveling say that part of happiness is knowing new places and enjoying them.

I see that you know many places where you have had a great time and despite everything "home sweet home".

The place where you have spent the most beautiful moments of your life beginning with your childhood and up to today an adult stage, where you are fortunate to still share with your mother.

"A home is built with love and a house is built with the hands", surely I will not forget those words my dear friend.

Simple but with great meaning.

I say goodbye wishing you have a happy day.

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And we meet again!
If I didn't know any better, I would have thought you were my stalker. (•ิ‿•ิ)
Once again, thank you for the great verification. Many of us can learn from you. Well done! 👏

Saludos mi apreciada Amiga

Sin duda estoy completamente de acuerdo con usted no hay Lugar como el Hogar, y esa canción que nos dejas es una verdad absoluta, y dices cosas muy especiales.

Cuando se tiene un hogar especial ese se vuelve el sitio favorito y predilecto para uno, a dónde siempre queremos volver y estar permanentemente.

Los recuerdos y las actividades que podemos hacer en el hogar son infinitas y se quedan grabadas en el corazón por siempre.

Agradezco que comparta su lugar favorito con nosotros.


And me? I appreciate your visit and your great comment.
As always your comment is a feast to read. Thank you!

Home! The place where we live not only to tell the tales of our lives but to create new memories as each day unfolds.

Home is where I am at my happiest!

Hola amiga qué espectacular la verdad que has escogido el mejor de los lugares para hacer tu lugar favorito nuestro templo, nuestro refugio ,es el lugar donde vivimos tantas experiencias al lado de nuestros seres amados, incluso solo hay personas que viven solas y el hogar siempre va a ser nuestros refugio ,ese lugar que nos protege,v que nos acobija y donde tal cual como expresas decimos desde nuestra primera palabra y damos nuestros primeros pasos hasta que nos consolidamos en él . Maravillosa participación muchas gracias por compartirla y darnos el origen de esa famosa frase de hogar de hogar dulce hogar definitivamente todos los días aprendemos algo nuevo y de tu publicación aprendí a darle valor a ese hogar que tenemos que nos protege que nos acobija y que es lo más importante y aprendí de la Génesis de esa gran frase que siempre decimos pero que particularmente yo no sabía dónde venir Gracias nuevamente por compartirlo y éxitos en tu entrada. Saludos cordiales y éxito.

It is for me to say thank you for the visit to my blog and the great comment.
I think that sometimes we just need to slow down and think about our day, what we did, and where we were. This will give us a reality check. Home is where most of our activities, joy, happiness, heartbreak, togetherness, etc. happens.
It is then that we will truly enjoy our homes.

Creo que no hay un lugar más favorito por todos que la casa allí has compartido muchas.cosas lindas desde tus primeros pasos hasta tener tu propio negocio, ser la ayuda de de tu esposo, animar a tu hijastro cuando juega, yo quisiera tener mi propio hogar algún día donde pueda hacer todas esas cosas maravillosas que describes, muchas gracias por la invitación y mucha suerte en tu participación

Home is happiness, well so I thought until I woke up this morning just to discover we have a burst water pipe. Now I am not so sure that home is happiness. (•ิ‿•ิ)
No, tomorrow the pipe will be fixed, and happiness will return to my doorstep again.
Thanks for the visit and the comment!

Instead, I enjoy your publication as a reflection on life. Many people rush to choose another place as a favorite place and seem to forget home as the most comfortable place. Without us realizing that our home is a reflection of the paradise we inhabit. There is nothing warmer than a blanket made from the Roof the roof of the house ☺️💕

Sukses selalu untuk anda my mother @patjewell 💞☕

  ·  last year (edited)

Thank you for the visit, the engagement, and your lovely words.
Home is indeed very special. I can tell you that the older you get, the more special it becomes.

home is a reflection of the paradise we inhabit

What an awesome statement! I am not easily going to forget this.
Thank you for sharing.

PS: Thanks for the tea and the love!

Your opinion is correct, I feel after marriage it is important to have a house even if it is simple.

Many many thanks 🙏

My home is my palace, there is no place more comfortable than home, and I totally agree with the statement what we don't do at home, it is a statement that contains a thousand meanings,

A post full of inspiration and motivation, I hope one day I can visit your home😅 and good luck in this contest

My home is my palace

I LOVE reading this! Home is just so much different to any other place. Even when we go on holiday, there is always a time that we cannot wait to go home.
Thank you for the visit and for enjoying reading my post.
PS: My home will always welcome you!

Karena rumah menjadi salah satu pilihan terakhir anda, sejenak saya sempat berpikir dan berhasil mendapatkan jawaban. Memang benar seperti ulasan anda di artikel ini, sangat banyak tempat-tempat indah, nyaman dan terkenal, baik di negara sendiri maupun negara tetangga. Namun , semua kembali lagi dimana seseorang bisa merasakan nyaman dan tenang. Buat apa jauh-jauh ke luar negri kalau memang perasaan tidak nyaman. Saya selalu percaya, bahwa rumah adalah awal dari semuanya, banyak memori tercipta dirumah. Rumah selalu menjadi tempat terbaik dalam kehidupan setiap orang. Terimakasih kawan, semoga sukses dalam kontes ini. Salam

Home is indeed the beginning of many things and yes, also the ending or many things. What every our paths might be we also landed up back home. (•ิ‿•ิ)
Thank you for the visit and the engagement. It is appreciated.

Cuando viajamos y conocemos nuevos lugares disfrutamos de ellos. Pero esos son deleites pasajeros, si nos quedamos mucho entonces ese iman llamado hogar comienza a llamarnos con mucha fuerza porque sabemos que es el lugar al que pertenecemos.

Aunque a veces queremos escapar de ahí siempre anhelamos volver porque es el lugar donde nuestra vida misma ha sido forjada. Hogar dulce hogar, he aprendido una nueva canción. 🤩

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My friend, I think it is old age that is getting to me.
These days, all I want is my home. (•ิ‿•ิ)
Home is indeed best!

I'm glad that you will now be able to sing this song and not "Ring a rosie" song.

PS: Thanks for the visit! I always LOVE your engagments.

Hola amiga @patjewell, fue un gran placer leer y aprender de tu maravillosa publicación.

Me impactó lo que mencionas, que tus padres te enseñaron y en la escuela dominical aprendiste el fruto del Espíritu, son 9 y no te faltó ninguno. Todavía estoy en pañales al ponerlos en práctica.

Un gran saludos y muchas bendiciones para ti y tu familia

Haha! Okay, there is a rhyme I taught my kids when they were small and it goes like this.

Today I learned
Jesus is the Vine
With Him I will grow
fruit very fine

Love and Joy and Peace
are three
of the fruits
Jesus wants from me

Forbearance, Kindness
Goodness too
These are the things
Jesus wants me to do

Faithfulness, Gentleness
Self control,
These are the fruits
Jesus wants me to grow

So yah, learning is easy but to put them into practice takes a LOT of effort, commitment and determination. (•ิ‿•ิ)

PS: Thanks for the visit and the great comment!

Dios mío me encanta tu escritura, te admiro muchísimo. Que hermoso post, el hogar es nuestro tesoros lleno de momentos hermosos, recuerdos imborrables que valen oro, me encanta el aroma a café es algo característicos de los hogares eso calienta mucho el corazón, te deseo mucho bien, que Dios bendiga cada espacio de tu hogar y permita que puedas seguir disfrutando de él con mucha salud, amor y paz. Te abrazo y te bendigo ❤️👋👋👋

Thank you so much for your kind words, beautiful good wishes, and blessings! You know just how to melt a heart (•ิ‿•ิ)
You are right, our memories of "home" are packed with gold! We need to treasure these moments forever and ever.
Thank you, blessings and hugs right back at you! 🤗


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Hello dear friend, @patjewell

  • I'm so glad you entered the contest about your home. I think almost all of us have the same favorite place which is home. Because if we didn't have a favorite place why would we stay there. Yes you have said a lot of valuable things we are born here grow here, eat food, sleep, read books, play sports, talk, cook, almost everything we do in our house. I came to know through you that you are very fond of playing cricket and like you I am very fond of cricket. Looking forward to watching our game with Bangladesh and your country. Many blessings and best wishes for you in this competition.

Best regards from @robin42


Yip I LOVE cricket! I see we are playing against your country on the 24th of October.
I don't know about you, but I cannot wait for the World Cup anymore.

Thank you for the visit to my post and the engagement.
It is appreciated!

Home is best and will always stay the best!