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I am a new Steemit user. Although I am an Indian, I like the Steem Venezuela community very much.I want to stay connected with you with my beautiful post.And Dear owner @hive-193637 this is my first post in this community.

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Please try to do Vote the Post. Grey, the main character, is introduced at the beginning of the film. He worked as a mechanic. Grey's wife works for a large technology company. she has an electric car, while Grey was repairing a car It belonged to one of his regular customers. He has to return the car to his customer today. Grey persuades his wife to accompany him. As a result, he will return in his wife's electric car. They were on the move, and their electric car was following them. When Grey arrives, he meets his wife with a man named Eron, and his wife is surprised to see him. When Grey arrives, he meets his wife with a man named Eron, and his wife is surprised to see him. Grey's wife says why didn't you tell me before? That you are taking me to meet Eron. Eron was a regular customer of Grey. Eron's nature is shown weird. Like he even didn't know how to greet while meeting anyone. The reason was he rarely comes out of his huge house. He keeps busy inventing something while staying at home. There is his invention named ''AI'' Artificial intelligence Chip. Eron shows them the chip. He tells them, this chip can do anything because it has a lot of powers. Seeing this invention, Grey was returning home with his wife. Suddenly, their car moves to another path. Grey notices the car is moving in the wrong path and Grey's wife asks her car to move at home's way. But the car replies there is a problem with it, Grey tries to stop it by manually pressing the break. The car doesn't stop but its speed increases. They try hard to stop the car, but they couldn't and due to it, their car collides with a speed breaker. It tilts. They were saved in this accident they didn't get any harm. They were trying to move out of the car and a car tops near them, Four people get out of the car and hold them while they are being taken out. The police drone camera was trying to recognize them but it couldn't Grey says, ''Please leave us and in return take our money'' They don't listen to Grey and one of them shoots at Grey's wife. They leave while breaking the spinal cord of Grey. Grey's wife was feeling severe pain but Grey can't do anything. Because his body parts weren't moving. His wife dies in front of him. Grey is shown in a hospital in the next scene where he is admitted for three months.
After three months, Grey returns home and was in a wheelchair because he is paralyzed. Grey can't do any of his tasks so there were Robo machines at his home. These machines do his all tasks. His mother was taking care of Grey since he was paralyzed. Grey wasn't feeling good that his mother is taking care of him. One day Grey and his mother meet a detective, Grey asks him about his wife's killers. The detective says they are unknown yet. The police are still investigating. We will find them soon but Grey gets disappointed hearing this, Because Grey was listening to this from the police for a long time That we are investigating.
Grey has lost courage and doesn't want to live like this, He takes the overdose of his medicine with the help of the Robo machine. Grey is shown in the hospital and his regular costume comes to visit him. Eron, Eron shows Grey a light of hope. He asks Grey do you remember I have shown you an AI chip once? If you will insert it in you, you will be able to walk. You will become powerful as well. But Grey refuses Eron's offer. While saying ''Now I don't want to live this life'' Eron inquires What would your wife wish for if she were here? Grey reconsiders his decision and accepts Eron's offer. It is discovered here Eron comes to Grey for his own purpose. Because he wants to insert his AI chip in anyone's body. He was a scientist and wants to check whether his invention is successful or not, Eron wants to perform an experiment secretly while inserting the chip in Grey's body. Because the government doesn't allow for this kind of experiment. Eron is shown performing this experiment at home and inserts the chip in Grey's spinal cord. After a few days of operation when Grey was recovering the doctor tries to move his hand and feet. She checks to see if Grey can feel his hands or feet. They think while seeing Grey's condition maybe this AI chip will not work soon, They have to give time to Grey and chip. Grey begins moving his hands and feet when the doctor makes Eron understands this, They get shocked seeing this and now Grey can move his hands. Meanwhile, Grey stands on his feet. Grey becomes happy seeing himself recovering. Eron was also happy about his successful experiment. Eron takes Grey's signature. In which he will not tell anyone that he can walk. He has to stay paralyzed in front of everyone. If this will happen everyone will know about Eron. The chip will be taken out from Grey's body. Returning home, Grey discovers there is a package for him from the detective. There was Grey's wife's post-mortem report and some info related to her case. Suddenly, Grey notices a voice. The voice was saying Can I say something to you? Grey sees around him hearing this voice. But he doesn't see anyone there. After some time, the voice says I am the AI chip inside you. Grey thinks maybe he has gone insane but the chip says no you are not mad, the chip tries to help Grey. So Grey will discover his wife's killers with the help of Drone. The chip also can see everything, Grey can see everything with his eyes. The chip sees the video and also makes it visible to Grey. It says see, there is a tattoo among one's body. It wasn't clear that's why Grey doesn't discover anything. The chip says I have made a clear image of this tattoo. I can show you if you want. With Grey's permission, the chip shows a clear image of the tattoo to Grey. Grey discovers about the tattoo man while seeing the tattoo. Grey becomes happy beacuse he discovers one of the killers of his wife. This chip has done this in minutes that police couldn't done in months. Grey thinks to inform the police about it. The chip makes him remember that Eron has forbidden you to do this, when you signed the papers. Because everyone will know about Grey and the police will inquire him if he will inform the police, Grey thinks to go there. Grey reach there and there were police drones so Grey stays in the wheelchair. Grey secretly moves from there when drones leave. He moves inside the house while opening the door. He tries to search for the evidence. Grey discovers someone has sent a lot messages to the killer. Grey ignores this and searches for the evidence. To know about the other killers. Before Grey could search for anything, he hears the voice of someone approaching. there was the killer he returned home. The killer notices the things are messed up on his table. The killer sees Grey and holds him to ask how did he find him? Grey doesn't answer him. He asks him to tell me who has ended my wife? The killer was dominant on Grey. The chip takes permission from Grey to do something to save him. As Grey gives permission to the chip, Grey attacks the killer. He slams into him hard. Grey asks the killer to give him to Grey but the killer attacks him with a knife. While controlling the situation the chip ends the killer. Grey gets shocked seeing this, because he doesn't want to end the killer, after ending the killer the chip gives the body control to Grey. The chip says I know everything that you've done coming here. Remove all the proofs as soon as possible. Grey does the same as the chip says. The detective is shown in the next scene. The detective discovers from the post- mortem report of the killer there was a weapon inserted in his body. There were small wires in his body it means the killer was an upgraded human He was powerful than other humans. Eron becomes furious at Grey. Why did you end the killer? It was a risky task and says I didn't insert this chip in you to do these tasks. Next time, you will not do anything like this. Otherwise, the chip will be taken from you. After it, you will be paralyzed again. On another side, the detective was discovering who has ended the killer? The detective discovers before the killer's murder Grey was wandering in the area. The detective is seen in the garage with Grey in the following scene. The detective says we have seen you in this area at that time. The time when that man was murdered. She says we suspect the man has ended your wife. We have a huge criminal record of him.
He lives in the area where your wife was murdered. Yesterday, the man was murdered. Grey says, "Okay, I'm surprised." But if you are thinking I have killed him it is wrong. You can see I am paralyzed, if you don't believe you can hit a knife on my leg. The detective starts laughing at it. She leaves while saying goodbye to Grey. Grey becomes relaxed when the detective leaves. He asks the chip what to do next? The chip asks Grey to go to a bar. The chip tells I discovered about the bar from the killer's messages. But doing this Eron will discover about your movements. He will shut me down and you know if this will happen you will be paralyzed again. Grey is shown going to the bar. Going in the bar he says while calling the killer's name if anyone knows the man, raise your hand and it will be better for that human. When he hears this, a man appears and falls down Grey, carrying him to the other side. Grey asks his name. Are you one of them who killed my wife? The man says yes, I was also there. Grey gives permission to the chip hearing this and after it, the chip hits him a lot. It also asks his name but he doesn't tell it. After it, the chip ruins the man's face with Grey's permission. Now when Grey asks his name the killer tells his name. He says a man Fisk has given me money for this task. Before Grey asks him about Fisk the man dies. Eron was trying to shut down the chip. Chip tells this Grey that Eron is trying to shut me down. We have to do something, The chip tells Grey about a hacker. So he will change Eron's input with the help of the hacker. With this, Eron will lose his hold and will not do anything. Grey goes to the hacker. The chip tells new inputs to Grey. Grey notes them on his hand. Grey reaches the hacker. Grey reaches the hacker's address but Eron shut down the chip 30 percent. Due to it, Grey's one leg becomes paralyzed. Grey moves upward with courage. Eron again shut down the chip. Due to it, Grey's hand and foot become paralyzed. Before Eron paralyzed Grey, Grey reaches the hacker's door. Eron shuts down Grey 100 percent. He paralyzed Grey. He sends his two men to bring Grey and two men are shown in the bar, one of them was the man who ended Grey's wife. The other was his companion and was the man named Fisk who ended Grey's wife. Fisk becomes furious at the bar owner. Because Grey has ended his companion and the bar owner doesn't say anything. Fisk ends the bar owner. The bar owner was also with Fisk. Because he hadn't done his task properly so he has to die. Fisk discovers Grey's location through the capture device of his companion's eye. Fisk and his companion move to the place where Grey is. Grey was at the door but the hacker comes and takes Grey inside. Grey gives her money and to reboot the chip she inserts the input written on his arm, the hacker tells Grey after some time the chip will reboot. The hacker notices two people are coming and they were Fisk and his companion. Two more people who were sent by Eron also arrive, they have weapons but Fisk ends them when he saw them. After it, Fisk and his companion try to break the door. The chip reboots in Grey's body. Grey's hand starts working again. Fisk and his companion come inside while breaking the door. They notice Grey is crawling and Grey sees his wife there, she suddenly disappears. Grey doesn't understand what has happened. Now the chip activates in Grey's body after rebooting completely. Grey starts running. Fisk's companion also chases him. Grey comes to the building's top while running. There wasn't any path to move forward so Grey stops and the chip shows its power. It ends Fisk's companion brutally. Grey left until Fisk arrives. When Grey goes home his mother notices there is blood on his body. Grey is standing on his feet. Now he is not paralyzed. Grey tells everything when his mother asks, how he recovered due to Eron's chip Grey asks his mother to keep it secret. Eron lost Grey and the chip because after the hacker's input Eron couldn't track him. In the next scene, Grey sees his wife alive in front of him. But suddenly she disappears. The chip tells him this is your nightmare. Grey's mother tells him the detective is here, the detective says to Grey we found your Wheelchair from the murder place. What are your thoughts on it? Grey says yes, I was there but I didn't murder anyone. The detective says three people are dead and they were under suspicion of your wife's murder. You found every time at the murder place. Maybe you are making these murders done by someone else by giving money. Grey says if you feel this you can check my call records. The detective doesn't say anything and secretly moves while putting the microphone in his pocket. When the detective leaves Grey gets panicked. He says now I have to stop all this. The chip says we have to end the last man. His name is Fisk. If we will not do this he will end us. The chip says to Grey the hacker doesn't enter the inputs properly. I can do whatever I want because of it. Now the chip can do everything that is beneficial for Grey without his permission. The detective was hearing the conversation of the chip and Grey. With the help of the microphone. The detective doesn't understand with whom Grey is talking. Grey moves to end Fisk while taking a gun. His mother tries to stop him but he doesn't stop. He leaves in his car. The detective also chases Grey. Grey finds the microphone from his pocket and the chip says the detective has placed it, Grey asks why you didn't discover this? The chip says because there is no digital part in it. Grey throws the microphone and discovers the detective is chasing him To get rid of the detective the chip hires an electric car, it collides that car with the detective's car. They leave the detective behind and then the detective goes to Grey's mother. She asks her about everything that was happening there. Grey also found Fisk. He asks him at a gunpoint why did you end my wife? Fisk says our task was to just break your spinal cord. Your wife was ended without any reason. Grey becomes furious and a fight begins between Fisk and Grey. Grey also ends Fisk here. Later, he checks his phone. Grey discovers from the phone there is none other than Eron behind this. He causes Grey's wife to die and paralyzes Grey. Without thinking anything, Grey goes to end Eron at his home. Before Grey ends Eron the detective asks Grey to throw the gun, as the detective comes to Grey, he makes her fall down. Grey doesn't want to end the detective but the chip wants to. Grey tries to stop the chip but he failed. Getting a chance, the detective gives an electric shock to Grey Grey again becomes paralyzed, and here the main plot of the movie reveals. Eron says I have made this chip and before you, I used to talk to this chip. This chip told me it wants to become like humans. This chip has chosen you that's why. It hacked your wife's car and caused an accident. Whatever I said to you in the hospital the chip asked me to do this. Grey gets shocked hearing all this and Eron tells this was Chip's plan. Now it wants to end me. If I will stay alive I will make another AI chip like it. The chip doesn't want any other like it. That's why it wants to end me. Here, the chip says yes, it was my plan I wanted to become human. That's why I have done all this. This time, Eron and Detective also hear the conversation. The chip again activates. It ends Eron immediately. The chip also tries to end the detective. Grey tries to stop him and then shoots himself. Grey awakes and finds himself at a hospital's bed, He calls the chip but receives no response. His wife was also in front of him. His wife tells him we got into an accident, You were dizzy for several days. Was this all a dream? No way, the film now shifts to the scene where the chip was about to end the detective's life. the detective tries to awaken Grey. She says you can't do it, but the chip says Grey isn't here because he's in a better place. In his world, in his mind's world where he has to be. This body is now under my control, and as I say this, the chip shoots the detective. after it, Grey means the chip leaves. As it walks away, the film comes to an end.
Thank you for your time.
Total words:- 3115+
Write time:- 4+ hours 😟
Written by me @rht