That Great Wish For My Country.

in hive-193637 •  2 months ago 

Assalam O alaikum.

Hello everyone i hope you are all doing well. Today i am excited to share my thought and feelings about some thing very close to my heart. As a proud citizen of Pakistan i have a great wish for my country. This wish comes from deep with in my heart and is something i hope to see come true in the future inshAllah.

The Great Wish for My Country Pakistan.

Pakistan is a beautiful country with rich cultures history and tradition from the snowy peaks of the north to the vast deserts in the south Pakistan is fill with natural beauty. But more than just the physical beauty it is the people who make Pakistan special. The hard working kind and strong people of Pakistan deserve a bright and prosperous futures.


My greatest wish for Pakistan is for peace and prosperity i dream of Pakistan where everyone regardless of their back ground or beliefs can live together in harmony. A peaceful Pakistan means that our childrens can grow up without fear and they can focus on their studies and dreams without the threat of violence or unrest. Peace is the foundations of progress and with peace Pakistan can reach new heights.


Another important wish I have is for education for all. Education is the key a bright future i hope that every child in Pakistan whether in the city or the most remote village has access to quality education. An educated nation is a strong nation when people are educated they can make better decisions for themselves their families and their country i dream of Pakistan where every child can read write and pursue their dreams without any barriers.


Health care is another area where i wish to see improvement. A healthy nation is happy nation. I wish for better health care facilitie in every part of Pakistan. Everyone should have access to medical care regardless of where they live or their financials situation i dream of a Pakistan where no one to suffer because they can not afford treatment or because there is no hospital nearby.

I also wish for economic stability in Pakistan. Our country has many resources and a hardworking population. With the right policie and opportunities Pakistan can become an economically strong nation i dream of a Pakistan where poverty is reduced and everyone has the chance to earn a decent living a stable economy means more jobs better infrastructure and a higher standard of living for all Pakistanis.

Lastly i wish for unity among the people of Pakistan. We are a diverse nation with different cultures languages and religions. But in our diversity there is strength. I hope that we can all come together respect each others difference and work towards a common goal a better Pakistan. Unity will bring us closer and help us achieve great things as a nation.



In conclusion my great wish for Pakistan is simple yet powerful. I dream of a peaceful educated healthy economically stable and united Pakistan. I believes that with hard work dedications and love for our country we can make this wish come true. Pakistan is great potentials and i am hopeful that our futures will be bright. Lets work together to make our country the best it can be. Thank you for reading and may Pakistan always prosper.
I am inviting friends @mairarizwan @ninapenda @chathu13

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That's very well you say all. You explained everything very nicely. I like your point of view for our beloved country Pakistan. Thank you so much for mentioned me on your post.

You are right my friend, Pakistan is a beautiful country with rich culture and traditions from the snow peaks in the north to the vast deserts in the south, Pakistan is full of natural beauty. I personally also love your country very much. The beauty of a country depends in the love of its people and for that country on the sacrifices made. So let's all join hands to make this whole world a beautiful paradise full of peace. My sister, I wish you success from the bottom of my heart.🙃♥️

Thank you ❤️
