Visit to a Vegetable field|| 18-04-2021 by @numanfarooq7677

in hive-193792 •  3 years ago  (edited)

I hope that all my friends will be well and healthy.And May allah keep you healthy.And hopefully all the friends will be doing well on steemit.Happy fifth Roza of Ramadan.And hope you all are keeping Roza.


Health is a great blessing of Allah Almighty who is very benificiant and merciful.Allah Almighty has given us many blessing, one of which is health.Because health is very important for humans.If a person has all the blessing but does not have health.So this blessing is not some of his work.And that's how many things are done to stay healthy.


The vegetables helps a person to be healthy.Vegetables are plays an important role in the health of the man.That's why my heart did and I went to the vegetable farm.I saw a lot of vegetables in the farm.In which onions,Cabbage,tomatoes,chilli etc. Was involved.Now let me show you the picture of cabbage.



These cabage's flowers were beautiful.The cabbage felt as if wrapped in queue.
So it is very beautiful scene at there.


1_The cabbage is filled with nutrients.
2-It helps in the administration of inflammation .
3_ It also proves to be the cause in digestion.
4_May low the blood preasure.
5_Help in lower cholestrole level.
6_Cabagge is also big source of Vitamin K.

Just for your ease, I have explained the benefits of ringing in a picture. Which would have given you an idea of ​​how important it is.
Then I want to mention another vegetable.


You have a very good vegetable And it can be included in all kinds of dishes as well. Because its use is very important in everything.It is very essential.Likewise, it has many advantages.Which I will show you a picture of this now, after this, I will tell you the advantages.


These are tomatoes near our area.And they grow here in a large number.This crop is a very beautiful crop.And no one is harmed by this crop.It also has many advantages.


1_Major ditary sorce of antioxdant.
2_it reduce heart diseases.
3_ Sorce of Vitamin C
3_Also sorce of ptassium folate and Vitamin K.
4_Tomatoes are good source of the fiber.
5_It also makes tomato ketchup.
6_Good for Skin.
7_Improve for vission.
8_Use for many cooking dishes.

These two vegetables are very important and are very healthy for humanity. Apart from this I show you that I refuse to see the vegetable of Onion too.




After that i saw sara field with my friend.There were also some Chilli plants which we photographed.Then i show you this some photoes.


I hope you enjoy this post.I will work hard and write good posts.That's all for today.



Writer and visitor


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You have prepared a very good post in which you have shown different types of vegetables etc. and cabbage which is very well cooked and cabbage has many roles. Man gets different types of vitamins from cabbage and in it. Onions, etc., you also showed the rest of the vegetables, tomatoes, etc., all your great post is very good

Thank hou sir.You got it right.Thank you very much for visiting and commenting on my post.