A fly that carries a lot of disease, but it's very beautiful teks(ind-eng)

in hive-193792 •  4 years ago 


Hello friend steemit at will, tonight I want to share some photos of flies, lats are not good for our health, because the flies play on the carcass, in the trash can, and other bad places.

But if we take the photos then the results are very good, that's why I want to share some photos of my flies.

halo sahabat steemit semaunya,pada malam ini saya ingin membagikan beberapa foto lalat,lat emang tidak bafus bagi kesehatan kita,kerena lalat main nya di bangkai, di tong sampah,dan tempat-tempat yang buruk lainnya.

Namun jikalu kita abadikan fotonya makan hasilnya sangat bagus,oleh katena itu saya ingin membagikan beberapa foto lalat saya.

I took this photo earlier, sorry to use my own cellphone camera, and added a few edits.

This fly really hates it, I don't know why I took the photo this afternoon. But when I wanted to picture this fly it was very difficult because this animal was very sensitive to humans, even though I was stupid I still got some photos, this photo really needed a very strong focus. extra, it's wrong, we can't perpetuate it.

That's all I took because, like I said earlier, flies are very sensitive to humans. That's why they fly somewhere, even though I'm stupid, I'm still optimistic about sharing my photos with all my steemit friends. More and less I am very sorry to all of my friends, and say many thanks to all of my friends for taking the time to read my posts, thank you.

Foto ini saya abadikan tadi sori menggunakan kamera ponsel saya sendiri,dan di tambah editan sedikit.

Lalat ini mang bayak sekali orang yang membencinya,eantah kenapa saya tadi sore turut mengambil fotonya.Tetapi saat saya ingin gambar lalat ini sangatlah sulit karna binatang ini sangat sensitif dengan manusia,walaupun begotu saya masih dapat beberapa foto nya,foto ini sangatlah bubutuh fokus yang extra, salah salah kita todak dapat mengabadikannya.

Cuman itu saja beberapa foto yang sempat saya ambil karena seperti saya bilang tadi,lalat sangat sensitif dengan manusi.Oleh karena itu dia keburu terbang entah kemana,walau pun begotu saya teyap optimis untuk membagikan foto saya kepada teman-teman steemit semunya.Lebih dan kurang saya sangatlah minta maaf kepada sahabat semuanya,dan mengucap banyak terima kasih kepada sahabat semuanya karena telah meluangkan waktu untuk membaca postingan saya terimakasih.

Photo TakenOPPO A53
LocationNorth Aceh - Indonesia
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