Today I went to visit the door of a Waliullah\3\4\2021|@shabbir86

in hive-193792 •  3 years ago 

In the name of God the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, peace be upon you, all the friends of my estimation Then after a while I walk around the mosque and after a while I come back to the house. Then after staying at the house for a while I go to the fields a little bit I do some exercise every now and then I look at the trees I look at the green leaves which cools my eyes and I enjoy my life very much and believe me I enjoy the beautiful scenery in the morning and my life Pur servers which refreshes my mind and on a daily basis in my life I do this the way I pray I get up I read the Qur'an I go to the fields next to my house a little exercise there I do, after exercising, you keep a little, you look cute, then I see, my eyes get cool, I The mind is refreshed then after that I walk around the Eid fields for a while then after that I come back home after a while and then after that I take a bath and don't get dressed I change my clothes, I make my breakfast and after breakfast I go to my shop and get busy in my work because every human being has to work in life to run his own system to run the system. There is something to be done. Man is working all over the world. No matter how big a man is, no matter how big he is, no matter how great a man is, no matter how great a man is, he would be engaged in some work and some work every day. The man who does everything on a daily basis the man who does everything on a daily basis the man who needs some work, he runs his system, how many great people are there in the world, whether he is Bill Gates or not. No matter who they are, they are working and running their life system in peace. Every human being needs work as I do my work and I run my life system and make a living and run my business and then I have a small tea shop in my shop where I work and feed my children

In the pictures you can see the shrine of a saint of Allah. In fact, I went here to visit it because it is the shrine of a saint of Allah Almighty here and it is very famous. It is visited and it is known as Shah Muhammad Muqeem and people come to his court from far and wide and are devout. They arrange anchorage and come from far and wide to distribute among the people here. Do and get the benefit from here because it is a very good brother and is the door of wali allah and you believe people from far and wide come here to get the benefit and take your empty swing from here They go and believe that this is a very big shrine and when people come here, they offer offerings of devotion and as a vow they put their money in the place where there are fences inside Money, money, whatever they want, gold and silver, whatever is separate for this gold and silver, which is very big hugs and what is here, not very high security arrangements. And believe that this door of Wali Allah is open at all times whoever comes I also went there and there I made a vow for my son and and my vow by the grace of Allah Almighty It was completed and I went there and offered offerings to my son for the toys I had accepted and when he stood up he went to the door of Wali Allah and went there to the shrine of the innocent. I attended and by attending what I did there and believe that it is the real grace and you believe that this is a very big shrine and very here what is here people from Lahore They come here from Karachi, they come from Okara, they come from Faisalabad, and people from all over Pakistan from far and wide come here and give their presence here in Hujra Shah Muqeem and what is here, you have benefited. Get and I went there too and I have done photography there which I am presenting to all of you friends that I have done this photography with my mobile vivo y ninety one and all The vests can see that there is money in it and here those who are tied and the power is passionate and non-existent that are tied so that the threads and shoppers etc. are tied is actually what they mean. When they are fulfilled, they untie the stains, and when they have already believed, they bind them with their prayers. And when their prayers are fulfilled, they untie the threads that are, and here they are very devout and Respectfully, we hope that all of you friends like my post very much and you will also like it and will also comment on me. OK Good bye Allah Hafiz

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@mohammadfaisal adminsteemtigers

special mention
@ steemcurattor1

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your diary post is nice and awesome. your all picture are nice and awesome.
thanks for sharing