On this video I cover another song of Iwan Fals. The title of the song is KONTRASMU BISU or The Contrastive of Jakarta. The song criticized about the paradox of Jakarta. Here, Iwan Fals describes about the ironic of Jakarta condition from his point of view. In fact, those condition was the reality that we found here, in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. Through its lyrics this song will reveal what has exactly happened in Jakarta.
The Lyrics and its translation.
Tinggi pohon tinggi berderet setia lindungi
Many tall trees lining to protect faithfully
Hijau rumput hijau tersebar indah sekali
The greeny grass spread beautifully
Terasa damai kehidupan di kampungku
Feels peaceful life in my village
Kokok ayam bangunkanku tidur setiap pagi
Chicken crowing wakes up every morning
Tinggi gedung tinggi mewah angkuh bikin iri
High-rise luxury building makes jealousy
Gubuk-gubuk liar yang resah di pinggir kali
Liar shacks are restless on the edge of the river
Terlihat jelas kepincangan kota ini
Clearly seen the lameness of this city
Tangis bocah lapar bangunkanku dari mimpi malam
The cries of a hungry boy woke me up from a night dream
Lihat dan dengarlah riuh lagu dalam pesta
See and hear songs at parties
Di atas derita mereka masih bisa tertawa
On top of suffering they can still laugh
Memang kuakui kejamnya kota Jakarta
Indeed, I admit the cruel city of Jakarta
Namun yang kusaksikan lebih parah dari yang kusangka
But what I see worse than I thought
Ja—kar—ta, oh Ja—kar—ta
Si kaya bertambah gila dengan harta kekayaannya
The rich are getting crazy with their wealth
Luka si miskin semakin menganga
The wound of the poor is gaping
Ja—kar—ta, oh Ja—kar—ta
Angkuhmu luapkan tanya bisu dalam kekontrasannya
your arrogance overflows with silent questions in contrast
With Love,
Reza Sofyan