DJ Dag - old fart like me
But still killing the dance floors around Frankfurt. Dag did a lot of cool projects also in the US when he lived with the American Natives which resulted in one of his most successful commercial projects (with Jam el Mar). To me it is him and Sean V. who really paved the way for the generation after and made Techno / Friday a fun happening - bit different from the guys in Berlin. Listen to one of his recent live gigs.
About the Dag
“DJ DAG” is known as the "Godfather of Trance", he gave "the child's name" when he start in 1991 with his Project "Dance 2 Trance". Since that point, he was his definition of Trance always remained faithful. His sound is unique and its reputation is legendary. Dag's DJ career began in 1985 in the "Music Hall" in Frankfurt, other important milestones in his career were the "Club UK /Complex" in London, "1015 Folsom" in San Francisco, the legendary Underground Club "Omen", the "Dorian Gray", "U60311" and "Cocoon" in Frankfurt. All german attention he gained by his early sets at the "HR3 Clubnight", he belongs to their resident DJ´s since 1993. His international „breakthrough” came with the track "P.ower of A.merican N.atives" (Gold Record Award), countless other productions and remixes with his projects, "Dance 2 Trance", "Peyote", "Crazy Malamute", "DJ Dag" and many more followed, since he produced with different partners on different labels, worldwide.
Dance2Trance - in different versions
I have played that song in and out at least 2,000 times in my DJ career - this is a different version though - not too shabby. Followed by other sounds from his Dance2Trance projects in the following:
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