Timeless Photography

in hive-194804 •  4 years ago 



Each image tell a story, relay a message and have energy to pass on to you. To capture a timeless image you don’t need to have professional camera or be an experienced photographer, use your cellphone and choose the right angle that you like or feels great about it. This is what I call endless photography.
Always be ready

We are changing and world is changing. Every second is a story to see. Sometimes we create those stories, those events or those moments. Sometimes, it just has placed in front of us to capture it.

When I drive or walk and I see a scene that giving me a feeling, I would record it with my cellphone. That will stayed in my archive of moments for ever, because it won’t happen again.

Don’t limit yourself to have equipment, be ready or have a subject, make an timeless image.
Trust your feeling and Take action

Trust your feeling and go with your Gut. Have your camera or cellphone handy, because moment comes and goes. You need to be fast to capture certain moments.


Light, angle and space are very important to relay your message. Keep in mind that subject should has enough light, otherwise you need a flash. If you have sunset behind the subject, and you take a picture, you will not see details on subject.

Have few subject in one shot with focusing on one subject will help to create different plan in the picture and depth. Considering enough space in front of the subject, especially when the subject is not looking directly to the camera, or looks out of the frame. The space behind the subject is called dead space and in front of the subject is called active space.
Choose the right angle


It is very important to choose the right angle for the subject and camera. Changing the angle will give a different experience and sometimes emotion.

Best shot

Best shot of a scene is when you are happy with light, colour, frame, depth and overal composition of a picture which will relay your emotion or feeling. There is a message in every shot that will pass on to others.

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Nice photography.
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