In recent years, parent-child relationships have not been rosy. And I woke today without the smallest idea I would be having a face-off with one of my folks which is the highlight of my day.
Meanwhile, this isn't the first time a disagreement will ensue. Once in a while, we have these disagreements. And sadly, each one almost has me loving them less.
Image: Pixabay
It's 12:43 midday as I write, and my day is already well-packed with action for my diary game today.
Today, I woke up in a jiggy mood, and eager to crush my day's goals. Since my day would be busy, I had to cook my meals for the rest of the day.
I'm on a weird sort of feeding strategy now, I eat at 2 PM, squeeze in two meals till 6 PM. and the next time I'm eating is 2 PM again the next day.
Meanwhile, I also have a tradition to check my list of to-dos. Although, I'm not orderly enough to do it every day without a hitch. Yet today I did check my list.
- Read an article
- Do Mobility Exercises
- Leg day
- Attend to pending content writing jobs.
Now, this last activity is where I had to stomach one of my parent's fury.
As I was about settling into my pending jobs, my dad called out to leave whatever I was doing to join in an activity that would take hours to complete. I turned it down, told him I had a job with a nearing deadline.
And he threw a paddy about how I never want to do anything which is almost true because most of the things they want me for don't interest me. However, I stood by my decision, when he was done talking for a while, I turned to continue with my tasks.
This is a Nigerian Norm, you shouldn't turn down parent errands.
So this leads me to something I have a very strong resolve about:
I wouldn't give up my hustle to satisfy parent errands. I'm an adult, and my plans should be respected.