Steem Cameroon Contest - Human Rights Day (Bangladesh)

in hive-195150 •  last month 

Created by Canva

Hello Friends,
Reminding the importance of the rights and security of a nation and group. Today, I am going to write about World Human Rights Day, among the topics of the weekly series of awareness days organized by Steemit Cameroon.

What do you know about the day? (Make sure you mention the actual date)


Every year, World Human Rights Day is celebrated on December 10. This day talks about the rights of every nation, religion, gender, language. Every person in the world should have equal rights, justice and be protected, which are human rights. Every year, the day is celebrated on a specific theme. This year's theme is "Our Rights, Our Future, Now". Human rights are the rights that a person as a human being has to respect, dignity and security. After World War II, all countries of the world celebrate December 10 as Human Rights Day every year under the guidance of the United Nations.

Suggest and draw a mascot to represent the day.

Created by Canva

Give a brief description of your mascot.

Our world will be a better place if we are united and compassionate towards people. We must unite to demand our rights and get the rights we deserve. Our rights will be realized when we show respect and kindness to each other. We will stand up for injustice against ourselves and injustice against others, and in this way we will stand united to demand the rights of all of us.

What changes do you think this day has brought to your community?


World Human Rights Day is about equal rights for humans. Human Rights Day helps to increase awareness individually and socially and create a respectful mindset towards people.
A lot has changed in my community now. Women's rights, children's rights, conducting inclusive education programs for all have now become fundamental and important. People are building resistance against those who violate human rights. Respect for people as human beings and respect for other nations is being respected. A bond of tolerance and harmony is being created between people. Human Rights Day is giving a message of positive change in the society of Bangladesh, although there are some challenges.

Who are the active promoters, and what do you think can be added to make more impact in your community?

The National Human Rights Commission is one of the active promoters of this day in Bangladesh, declared by the United Nations General Assembly. It receives complaints of human rights violations in Bangladesh, investigates them, brings them under the law and raises awareness. Apart from the National Human Rights Commission, various organizations like BRAC, Transparency International Bangladesh, and Aministry International are actively working on human rights.

To make more impact in our community, the day can be celebrated at the grassroots level and all people can be made aware. Through various programs in the most remote areas, economic rights of the poor people and poverty eradication can be reduced through economic inequality.

I invite you @azwar82 @selina1 @arjinarahman to participate in this competition.


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Dear brother first of all best wishes for you. You wrote great about Human Rights Day. Of course, we have learned and learned a lot through this community. Thank you so much for mentioning me I will definitely try to participate.
