OCCUPATIONAL HARZARDS chapter two by @annettenoel

in hive-195150 •  3 years ago 

Greetings my fellow steemians. Hope we're all doing great by God's grace cos as for me I'm doing perfectly well.
It's been awhile since I lastly created a post due to the first semester exams preparations but thank God the exams are over now so I'm back with the chapter two of occupational hazards. This time I would be writing about farming. Hope you would enjoy it.

Farming we know is one of the most important occupations in our society and farmers even though most of the times are under looked in the society are equally very important people in our society. Farmers are the feeders of the nation and deserve an accord for their work. Let's ask our selves what we would eat if there were to be no farming.

Some occupational health hazards associated with farming and how they can be managed

Some health harzards in farming

  1. Skin cancer due to prolonged exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun.
  2. Respiratory harzards as a result of dust particles inhalation especially during the dry season.
  3. Chemical harzards from inhaled chemicals like insecticides, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides etc.
  4. Skin irritation from dust and chemical particles falling on the skin which might as well lead to skin cancer.
  5. Bites and stings from snakes and insects.

How these hazards can be managed

  1. Wearing protective clothing is very important as most of these hazards are mostly related to the skin. Wearing protective clothing would prevent the skin from irritants (dust and chemical), sun rays as well as stings from insects.
  2. Use of protective masks when handling chemicals and when working especially during the dry season to prevent inhalation of dust and chemicals and hence, prevent respiratory harzards.
  3. Wearing boots when going to the farm and during farming to protect against snake bites, irritants and others.
  4. Proper and frequent washing of the body and the hands before handling anything eatable especially after handling chemicals.

By taking the above measures farmers would prevent the occurance of these harzards, even though some people know how exactly to protect themselves but are lazy and reluctant to do so. Let's ensure our safety by doing the needful. Prevention is better than cure.

Thanks. Hope you enjoyed reading!!

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Thank you so so much for the teaching on Heath Harzard towards farming dear more grace

U welcome thank you too

Amazing piece ❣️

Yes dear it is good to use personal protective equipment and devices

Thanks so much for the tips,

Your welcome

Thank you miss, then which kinda clothes should we wear? Coz some still tend to irritate the skin by either increasing the heat from the sun or some people being allergic to it

You're right wearing protective clothing when working especially during the dry season may produce a lot of heat and discomfort and that's why some people prefer to do without but frankly speaking the effects that may arise from direct sun rays falling on the skin are far more than the discomfort we feel when putting on these clothing. So what we can do is try to minimize the risks as much as possible.

Alright! I get you now

Thank you for sharing on how to manage the hazards @annettenoel

Your welcome