The Diary Game 10/10/2021

in hive-195150 •  3 years ago 

Greetings to you all lovely steemians, it has been a while I haven't participated on this platform and I want to say I miss you all and I am happy to be back with you guys.
Getting up in the morning, it was already 7am when my mom asked me to come and boil rice and fry the beans we boiled overnight, I was very angry when she said so cuz I was still on bed so I immediately say my prayer, brushed my mouth and went to the kitchen. Started by boilling water for the rice and while the water was boiling I was slicing the tomatoes and green spices which I was supposed to use in frying the beans, I reduced some of the boiled water, wash the rice and put in the boiled water, while the rice was on fire, I used the boiled water which I had reduced, diluted it and bath my junior ones for them to go to church. After I finished to boil the rice, I fried the beans but am sorry I didn't had to take any picture cuz I really forgot to 😣 but actually I am a good cook.
By noon, my mom came back from church while I had already finished with the cooking and I served her including my siblings, after eating my mom thanked me and was very much happy I saved her from the stress of cooking that day. Immediately we all ate, I went and had my bath there I noticed there was no lights so after my bath, I sad on a chair in the palor browsing with my phone till about 3pm when I was overtaken by sleep. But before I was overtaken by sleep, my siblings were already sleeping cuz I had to force them to have their siesta as usual.

It was already few minutes to 6pm when I got up in the evening, I had to heat the food on the gass and serve my siblings cuz they were already complaining of hunger. Few minutes after eating, I called them for studies as usual. The are three in number of which two are in nursery two while the other in class four, while I was teaching I found out it is not that easy to teach little children.

During their studies I was very upset with one of the little ones cuz he never wanted to study even though I tried both the calm and the hash method but he still wouldn't not retain anything I said, but looking at him I was very angry because when it comes to play he is always the leady. After thinking of how he usually play and makes noise when it's time to play, I got very upset and ask him to go and sleep and I was like saaah is this what teachers goes through?. After their studies I went and saw him sleeping on the chair I was just feeling as to start beating him but I tried to control myself.


After all this i watched a movie on M-Epic before I retired for the night, and was how my day went, thanks for reading...

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Welcome back after a while will always be kids😂😂😂 they like playing over everything else especially boys 🤦‍♀️
Parenthood entails patience and tolerance

Its good you finally helped out your mom even though you were not happy with the assignment she gave you.
You always have to learn to be tolerant and patient with children

You say cooking and mom do how😂that's how they are they don't care if ur even inside the bath when they want their thing done it's asap,bro teaching kids is complicated if your not patient u will kill someone's child. More ginger

Chai I just discovered that to teach you must learn to have patience

Welcome back.
i remember when i was a kid. i was always being forced to study.
But now.. Level dong skip.

During their studies I was very upset with one of the little ones cuz he never wanted to study even though I tried both the calm and the hash method but he still wouldn't not retain anything I said, but looking at him I was very angry because when it comes to play he is always the leady

👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 Typical me, many years ago😁😁. Play was in control oh