Hello everyone hope you are all doing good this evening i'm very please to write my diary this evening .
Well i woke up very early this morning after carrying out all the house choices i prepared fried rice . Around 8:30am i was done with everything so i just need to prepare myself for church because today is easter Sunday and we are all celebrating the resurrection of Christ. So i prepared i when for church at 9:30am but i was a little bit late.
The church was very inspiring today and we read three texts today the first text came from the book of act 10:34-43, second text came from the book of Colossian 3:1-4 and the last test came from the book of Marc 16:1-8.
After preaching the pastor baptise some born again Christians and blessed some marriages .
After church i went back home . I was very tired when i reach home but must importantly i was very hungry so i when directly straight to the kitchen .Oh God i was surprise with what i saw the fried rice that i had prepared in the morning was finish , i could not believe it i was very angry because my my siblings ate all the food without thinking about me.
I then left the kitchen with an empty stomach and when inside my room . where i rested for a while . then woke up at 3pm to look for something and feel my empty stomach .i both Garry and groundnut and ate while enjoying my Garry i was busy enjoying my music (West life ) . After that i took my machine to learn some C programming , i studied from 4:30 pm till 5 pm. Then my siblings came with some Indian movies that we watch from 5pm till 8pm then i just when inside my room to read some story books and that is how i ended my day
Happy eater to you all