Diary Game [31/3/2024] How I wrapped off my march by attending a get together party with my fiance.

in hive-195150 •  3 months ago 

Image from my phone.

A blessed morning and a happy weekend from my end to you all. I haven't been that active due to a busy schedule, but I'm glad I could put a little of my experience down how I spent my last day in the month of March. Hope we're are all good, thanks for going through my diary as I begin with my experience.

The last day in the month of March happened to be a Sunday and it was fun as people in my area use Sunday as a chill out day after service. Before then, my fiancee had already inform me that I'll worship in his church so that after service, we can go home together and prepare for the get together party organized by the association of his village people.

When we got home, we didn't waste much time as we were behind the stipulated time for the occasion to begin. We dressed up and left for the occasion. It was herd locating the venue, since it was their chairperson's house and he didn't locate the place, he had to put a call through to someone that knew the place. After a long walk trying to locate the person, the person came out and took us to the venue.

Image from my phone.

When we got there, they started by thanking God for keeping them save till that day later on had a brief meeting and did their contributions before the main event started.
When it started, they moderator asked all of us to stand and he prayed committing the event to God's hand, did an introduction of the committee chairpersons and every other people that calm to celebrate with either their husbands, brothers or fathers also introduced themselves. And there was a little speech by the chairman of the committee. There after refreshments were given to everyone.

Image from my phone.

The refreshments were giving, like they do say their meat should be sizeable, it was indeed sizeable, we all ate and enjoyed ourselves. Some games were played, two couples were called upon to tell us how they knew themselves. Two seats we kept some distance and backing each other. These couples claimed they knew themselves very well, the moderator may ask either of them things about themselves privately, without the hearing of the other spouse and the spouse concern will give the answer in public to confirm if he or she was correct or wrong.

I must say it was fun, some couples claim they know their shoe sizes, favourite foods, cloth size, phone numbers etc but some didn't know. It was fun at the same time educative and also encouraging I must say so that those that didn't know their spouses well can go home and study their likes and dislikes.

Couples were called upon to dance, and the best danced couples were appreciated with a gift before now it was getting dark and lights were put on.

Image from my phone.

Image from my phone.

Children that came with their parents we also called upon to dance and the best dancer was given a gift. Since it was getting really dark I and my fiance had to excuse ourselves and go home. On reaching home, I freshened up and off to bed, I couldn't eat again because I had alot that day. That was how I wrapped off my march to April and a grand celebration. Thanks for going through my diary. Bye until my next diary.

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