The Diary Game [07/12/2024] // The Unexpected Twist.

in hive-195150 •  3 months ago 

Compliments of the season from the motherland-Cameroon to all friends on the steemit ecosystem and welcome to my blog as I present my daily lifestyle content with you all.

It was Saturday and looks like a promising day and I had some errands to run around town. My elder sister was promoted to Professor and there was some sort of celebration in Rwanda. My niece was traveling from South Africa to Rwanda for the celebrations and requested I send her one ring light from those I’m selling to use. I had promised her one if she passed all her courses this semester in distinction and she did just that.

Though I was not in good health this morning as I’m suffering from severe backache and flu symptoms which kind of made me suffer from headache. But I got no choice to go to town and send the ring light through at a bus station for someone who was to travel with it to Rwanda the next day.

Before leaving the house, I heard rumours about this day being a “ghost town”, meaning it was a lockdown declared by separatists fighters to mourn the death of some of their soldiers. I made some calls to confirmed it but no one was able to give me a clear answer and I left the house early to the bus station.

Infrong of my elder sister’s shop and was annoyed by the way things were unfolding.

I took a cab and everyone in the cab was confused about the so called ghost town. To my greatest surprise, the bus station was not opened and we were asked to go back and only returned the next day. I was so frustrated and with my health challenges, I did not see myself returning back the next day. I called my elder sister in town and she requested I bring the ring light to her shop so it will be easier for her to send the next day.

The ring light i was to send at the bus station.

After dropping off the ring light, I had to hurriedly return back home because from the look of things, it was not secure being outside on such a day. As I stepped out of my sister shop to take a bike back home, I noticed a group of bikes on high speed running and there was commotion everywhere. I saw people also running and I was confused what was happening. No one was willing to stand to explain what was going on. As I was confused of a sudden, gunshots started and within a twinkle of an eye, the whole place was shutdown. I had to run for my dear life back to my sister’s shop were we seek refuge and stayed in the shop for some minutes.

I saw one of my husband’s aunties trekking towards my direction and I stopped her to find out if it was safe for to go back home. She decided to accompanied me while we trekked a distance of above 1km. Then I saw one strange taxi, yes strange because the streets were empty and the taxi appeared from nowhere. It was like God saw my sufferings and send the taxi for my rescue. I was limping already and the backache become unbearable.

This use to be a very busy street with vehicles returning from Nigeria but within minutes of gunshots, it was a ghosted street.

While in the taxi returning home, I got a call from my husband saying I should not come back home at the moment because there was serious gunshots in my neighborhood as separatists fighters came to kidnap one Dr and got into confrontations with the military. I was more confused but decided to bear the risk and returned home.

I succeeded to get home and I had to perform my duties as a community curator for December on Steemit. I took my laptop and login to the account and started curating. Then I had to fill the food sheet for the weekly reports.


Then I had a series of discussions with my niece and nephew as they were already at OR Tambo international airport et route to Rwanda for the celebration. I had leftover food which I heated and save myself some to replenish the energy I lost running in town and also to take my medications.

My only meal for the day

I was not even feeling as eating and was just forcing to eat because I could not take the drugs on an empty stomach.

The evening hours, I joined my husband to watch the English premiere league games between Manchester city versus Crystal Palace. Then followed by the game between Manchester United versus Nottingham Forest.

The score at the 3 minutes additional time

It was a disappointing evening for Machester United fans as they lost 2:3 in favour of Nottingham Forest. I had to call it a day while hoping for a better tomorrow. Until my next diary session, it is goodnight from my end.

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What a hectic day for you. I'm so sorry about your illness.

The unaware ghost really spoiled so many peoples programs. I woke up that day and went to school, but the school was very very scanty. That is where I started hearing rumors that it is a ghost town. So about 10am, the principal of our school gathered all of us in the assembly, explained the situation of the town, and told us to quietly go home.

This town is so unpredictable 🤦

It was a frustrating day especially to those that had programmed events on that day. Weddings were cancelled abruptly. I saw a family frustrated at a funeral service as no one was coming and only close family members could risk it to the church with the corpse.

Oh my God!!! Really frustrating indeed. A wedding in our church was also postponed to the next day. After cooking and all the other stuff 🤦
But never the less, we just thank God for preservation 🙏

You survived the day just like most of us, this day wasn't the best day for Bamenda inhabitants i saw marriages being postponed because of what happened 😢 I'm glad you were safe..

It was terrible but I thank God it is was not a school day for my kids. Imagine in that scenario and your kids are in school, and you have to bring them back home. I don't see myself staying in this town next academic year.

As long as it concerns the safety of your kids then it is fine not to stay here


Thank you @simonnwigwe for the support.

First of all I am very sorry to hear about your illness. Hope you get well soon.
Next I would like to congratulate your sister on her promotion. News of promotion really creates a happy atmosphere in any family.
However, the description of the city that the Ring Light is sent to is truly terrifying and gruesome. We should all stay away from such places.