in hive-195150 •  3 years ago  (edited)

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Hey, dear steemian!
How are you??
Please, don't answer that question yet OK.

I want us to talk about some thing that has continued to happen recently, which many are practicing but don't seem to realize the danger in it.

Oftentimes, we will here people say...... Hey! Good morning, how are you? And the other person will respond..... I'm fine and you? Well, I'm OK, the other person will reply back. And this circle goes on and on.

There has been many trending stories on social media, sure you've come across many, which talks about people who die out of depression. These people have been suffering in silent but no one knew about it, either because they didn't open up, or, they thought they could handle it by themselves.

The funniest part of it all is that these people have been responding to this question positively which gave everyone the impression that they are fine, meanwhile they had inner battles they have been fighting alone.

You wonder why you'll here someone say I'm fine, and then the next thing you here about them is that they committed suicide? You wonder why you'll hear people say I'm fine then the next thing you hear is that they committed murder? You wonder why you'll see someone who said they were fine, but have eyes filled with tears?

Many people are going through a whole lot out here. Many people are dying in silent. Many people are being harassed. Many people wish they could just end it all. Yet, they tell you that they are fine with a fake smile on their faces.

Sadly, some motivational speakers have made people to think that saying you are fine even when you are not is a sign of strength, and so, many people have embraced it and yet, dying inside.

They'll smile outside, but wet their pillow all night. They'll play outside, but can't look at themselves in the mirror. They'll eat outside, but lack appetite when alone.

Dear reader, HOW ARE YOU?

😢Don't tell me you are fine when you are not.
😢Don't till me you are strong when you are not.
😢Don't tell me all is well, when it is not.
😢Don't tell me it's just a minor issue, when it's eating you up.

Learn to open up, when you can't take it anymore. Learn to cry for help, when you are loosing it. It doesn't make you weak or less of a human being.

PLEASE....... To the people who always pose the question how are you? try to be intentional about it.

Together, let's say......
No! To depression
No! To suicide
No! To silent pain

I CARE 💗💗💗💗

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Depression is truly a silent killer
We can kill it before it kills us. @clou94 thank you for the 💕💕. God bless you for this content. So, how are you? 😂😂😂😂

😂😂😂😂😂Of course, I'm very fine now

Together lets fight depression out of our communities. It is a silent deadly killer

Together we can 💪💪💪💪

No to Depression. Thank you this helps alot.

We together say No! To depression

Just that many pple have been betrayed by those they love time and again, so they will better die with it than ask for help

We pray God heals their wounded heart, and help them see the trust worthy people who are still out here.