Hello friends good day hope you all are doing great. I will be talking about my best day, trust me it was really fun
It was on the 5 august where my my cousin daughter had her 8 birthday ππππ an she has been disturbing us that it must be celebrated. On that morning it was raining an we knew that it won't hold hahahah but it did not hold she could have killed us oh. Unfortunately it stopped raining at about 5:00 so we could not disappoint her. We started by baking her cake π because when you see birthday you will know it's a birthday for her understanding oh. An she also demanded for a purple color of cake since it her best color
From there we where just going her favorite since it her day she owns it, on our menu we have salad, concerning salad my girl demanded for carrot salad but we could not do that since it's expensive an the population of her friends. One of my best moments when is when she is happy she is the funny type π€£ so on her birthday it has just been fun for me
One of my best moments when is when she is happy she is the funny type π€£ so on her birthday it has just been fun for me. Ok from there we did get chin chin nananaa there is no childs birthday without chin chin right
After this preparing everything that rain started again hahahah but listen to what she said anty cris rain or no rain my birthday must hold.
Am sorry I really did not take pictures of her cutting her cake because of the rain an also adjustment of thing. Hahahahahah mum was just so happy that even to take pics was wahala hahahahahah, she was just confused, see eh it was really fun
After which we had our opening prayer indeed it was from me, the birthday song, after cutting of the cake , sharing food an later dancing competition which was really fun , after which we hard our closing remark.
With all this it really made my day special. Hope you enjoyed reading. See you at the comments box below