in hive-195150 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Hello there, it's good to be back on board after a week due to so many circumstances beyond my control. I travelled to the village and when I returned, network was very poor and I could not even drop a post here. Happy to be back though. In this episode, I share with you how I spent my day on Sunday 21/08/2022 here in Bambili.


I got up at 7am in the morning since I did not want to attend Mass that early morning. When I got up, I cleaned my house, carried water and started working on my research proposal that morning. Due to bad network, I spent several hours trying to make research but ended up not having any tangible information. At that point I decided to leave the thing and get to something different. After that, I went to collect a bunch of banana that I had ordered from one man in my quarter. As I was going, fortunately I met him on the way so he told me where he has kept the banana so I could go and collect. When I brought the banana, it was not role so I just preserved it for another time. I then just stayed in the house browsing for a while.


In the afternoon, I remembered that I hard to shave my hair since it was already over grown and immediately I decided to visit one of the barbing shops around mile 10 Bambili here. When I got to the shop, I met some few guys shaving too so I had to wait a little. As time went on, we were chatting and throwing jokes even without knowing each other.

When it was my turn, I shaved and left the place with a seemingly new look ☺️. When I got home, I realised I haven't eaten since Morning but I was not hungry so I decided to take my time and make rice and stew. Immediately, I went to the store and bought all the necessary stuffs and launch the cooking. As I was cooking, I decided to add some sweet potaatoes to the rice and eat it with the stew and it was actually a good idea.



By evening, I was just home and idle, having work to do but there was no network. I wanted to go to the road side but @elvina-b called that she was coming to visit so I had to remain home. When she came, she ate, we spend some time chatting and by 5pm, she was already leaving. I then took my bath and ate again before laying in the bed. From that time, I only played games on my phone till I fell asleep.
Dear friends, that's how I spent my day on Sunday.
Thanks for reading...
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hope sey the barber didaome Grace to your head oooh, I enjoyed your meal from afar.
Nice day there.