in hive-195150 •  3 years ago 

Hello steem world, it’s been a while ever since I posted here. I had some issues at hand but right now it feels good to be fully back. Permit me to present to you my diary game of January 12/01/2022 at this time. Sit comfortably and enjoy as you read through



I woke up at 6am to prepare my brother for school. He had gotten up earlier because he had an assignment to handle so I decided to help him hear food and warm water for him to take his bath. After that, a brushed my teeth and then took my phone to browse a little. When my brother finally left for school, I decided to try to top up money into a site I was initially researching about because I that site they claimed I could buy Bitcoin using mobile money unlike other sites that one only need a master card or visa card to be able to do the transaction.


However, I didn’t succeed because I was told to wait for a day or two while my documents are being processed and it’s only after that that I can be able to top up into the site.
After browsing for some time, I decided to go to school to check on some lecturers with whom I had some stuffs to discuss so I took my bath and went headed to school.
I got to school and my department was still locked. The guys had not yet come so I just roamed around the place discussing with some friends. At 10am, the lecturers had not still come so I decided to call them but they told me they will only be available on campus next week. I left school and went to visit my friend at her shop. I got to the shop and she was there alone so we started discussing and laughing because this girl is the real talking type. After some time, my other friend join us there and the discussion was so fun-filled. After some time, the lady decided to offer us drinks we visited her. I friend took small Guinness and I jokingly said she should get big Guinness for me… I actually wanted to drink Guinness smooth and surprisingly she got the big Guinness for me and we drank together as the chats continue.



In the afternoon, I left my friend’s shop and head towards my quarter… at the same time, I decided to pass and check on @acbaby and @echamroland. I gave to the house when @acbaby was initiating some newbies into the steem world and I joined him gave some tips. Later, @chiabertrand joined us as he was in Bambili today… we discussed on various stuffs especially steemit till 3:30 when I decided to leave them since I wanted to go to mushong for my usual evening football. I got home and changed my dresses immediately and went to the field.



In the evening, I was in mushong, a popular field in Bambili to play footballball. We started the game around 4:10pm and it was a very interesting game even though the dust was so much. We won 3:1 and I registered 2 assists to my name in the course of the game. I finally left the field at 6pm when the game was over. Upon arriving at home, it was already getting dark and light has been seized so I took my phone and browsed for some minutes while waiting for eneo to reconnect light. I later took my bath, ate and continue the chats I was having on WhatsApp. At 9pm, I decided to make this post before retiring to bed at 9:30pm.
Esteemed steemians, that’s how I spent my day on Tuesday, 12/01/2022.
Thanks for reading and stay connected for more interesting write-ups
Cheers ☺️☺️

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Waow day well spent bro...which wallet is that. is that yellow card?

Your day was awesome. Its always very nice making new discoveries. There is much to learn out there. We just need to live out of the box

Day well spent , update us is the mobile money research was finally processed

Interesting diary

We will see all kinds of wallets n sites n whatever

Sounds like a good day

Day perfectly spend

Wow day we'll spend bro I don't know that wallet which one is that

What a great day spent by you bro. It was great seeing you guys again though we didn't spent much time