The Diary Game: My Boring Monday;25/06/2024.

in hive-195150 •  13 days ago 


Good evening steemians, hope you all had a beautiful day, while mine was boring. I'm @emily08,

I didn't go to work today because of how I was feeling, I wake up not been strong so I just had to drop a text to my boss that I won't be able to come to work, and she gave me a day off, I slept a little bit and before I could wake up my phone has already off,.

I went and had my bath and brush then dress to go charge my phone, getting back to the house the rain started, I had to enter the rain and fetch water because I didn't have enough , I wash all my dirty clothes under the rain, I fill all my rubbers.

After finishing my chores I went and bought indomie and prepare it for my breakfast, after eating I went back to sleep, I literally sleep throughout today and it was so vore without my phone, and I wake up around past 2pm and I went to get my phone and I was expecting it be fully charged by that time but the guy really disappointed me, my phone was just 21% when I got there,.

I was pissed and he apologize that he will change the charger, I went back to the house, get some snacks and eat then went and stay outside just staring at the students retuning form school.

When it was getting darker I went back to get it and unfortunately my phone still wasn't full but luckily for my neighbor put on his generator, I had to go charge the phone because I really had a lot to do with it, and I was just staring at the frames he has in his shop, they were so beautiful, he has so many beautiful frames and the prices are fair enough.

I asked him if I could snap some of the frames and he say yes and I took my phone to snap, literally I was looking for pictures to use and write.


I went inside after he put off his generator about to go, I went and warm up my soup, and went out to get fufu, I was just lady to make garri, and I was really hungry.. after eating I went in and had my evening bath, then carry my phone to write but something came up so I had to finish up with it before starting to write. Good night and have a peaceful night rest.
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