Hello dear audience and friends of this Community space. This is your friend Mnkong Emmanuel Saah, and I come again to share With you something vital on an amazing, fascinating, and yet very effective learning strategy. I titled this "Why I consider collaborative Learning as one of the best learning strategy
°Collaborative Learning is a situation in which two or more people learn or attempt to learn something together. Unlike individual learning, people engage in collaborative Learning.
√ This is a teaching process or method where students work together in groups to solve problems, complete tasks, or learn new concepts. It's based on the idea that learning is a social activity, is this not amazing?
√ Collaborative learning can also be defined as a learning theory, or teaching theory method that involves students working together in groups to solve problems, complete tasks, or create products, learn from each other through communication.
° Collaborative pedagogy stems from the process theory of rhetoric and composition. Collaborative pedagogy believes that students will better engage with writing. Critical thinking and revision if they engage with others.
√ As one of the primary goals, Collaborative learning should be to actively engage students in their own learning, helping them take ownership of the process and experience. It's important to partner with your students throughout. This partnership can take many forms, depending on the goals and context of the course.
° Role of the students in the Collaborative learning:
√ The studentsmust work independently, communicate ideas to peers, consider peer responses and share that discussion in a way that begins to synthesize an exchange.
√ Learning activities include elements of cooperative learning, which groups of students work together in and out of class. It can be as simple and informal as pairs working together in a Think - Pair - share activity or could involve larger groups of students, say four or five, working within the Jig saw method.
√ Think - Pair - Share- Students consider a question on their own before discussing their ideas with another student to come up with a consensus. Each pair of students share their their agreed upon ideas with the entire class. You may have to adjust some of the groups to accommodate an odd number students. And here is good tip! Each pair of students should have a different question to consider. You can cover a lot of material in a single class with simple Collaborative technique.
√ Jig Saw: Students become ""experts"" on a concept and are responsible for teaching it to other group members. Groups subdivide a topic and members work together with those from other groups and explain their topic. It has been suggested that Collaborative learning involves giving more mature group of students control of the learning process, including establishing criteria for grading and ground procedures, defining the final product, and presenting the group's result.
° The Role of the Teacher in the Collaborative learning:
√ The Collaborative teacher encourages students to use their own knowledge, ensure that the students share their knowledge and their learning strategies, treat each other respectfully, and focus on high level of understanding.
° Importance of Collaborative learning
√ Collaborative learning helps in the development of higher-level thinking, oral communication, self management and leadership skills. Promotion of student faculty interaction.
° Infact, Collaborative learning helps people or students to learn from each other. Learning from colleagues is not just a benefit of collaboration; it's the first step towards building a workplace culture centered around learning and development. Teams that collaborate learn from each other and get to understand each other's perspective. Hope this encourages somebody!!
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