##How I survived a car accident on the 18th of April 2021 in Douala-Cameroon by @epouma

in hive-195150 •  3 years ago 

How I survived a car accident

As a gospel artist I was invited in Limbe for a very powerful crusade to minister there, I left Dschang in the West region of Cameroon to Buea where I had to pass and visit an aunt before going to the crusade, I spent some time with her and her family, I really enjoyed my stay at her place, the next day I had to go to Limbe for that powerful crusade, when I got there I had to minister and by the grace of God lives we touched and blessed. Though I had just one day to minister in the crusade, one mama met me after the service and asked me to stay till the next day so that I will sing again, I told her I won't be able because I have to go back,she kept begging me until I had to accept, I remained till the next day of the program. After the service I had to travel back to Buea that same night. I reached my aunt's place very late at night but I had to nock and the door was opened. Few days later one a friend called me telling me she lost her grandmother in Mutengene, as a friend very dear to me I had in mind to go condole with her, i told my aunt about my going to Mutengene for a burial program on Friday,I woke up very early in the morning that Friday.


had my bath and kicked off for the journey. I arrived Douala where I had to visit my friend who is like a brother to me, I couldn't miss seeing him because it has been long we met each other


When finished in Mutengene I had to visit my friend in Douala, I didn't feel like really going back to Dschang, I preferred staying with that my friend since we have been missing each other so greatly. During my second day in Douala with my friend, my elder brother gave me a call asking me to attend a graduation ceremony of one of our sister still in Douala. On the day of the graduation, I woke up and ironed my dress, took my bath and did some other peti things that I really needed to do, after that I took my breakfast and got ready to attend the graduation ceremony.


The graduation ceremony was on the 18th of April 2021, I took a bus to the venue where I met my elder brother and our sis who is to graduate, I went with my elder brother to buy a gift for her. We took pictures at the end of the ceremony. It was time for us to go out for lunch and my elder brother drove us to the area, that day I ate fufu and eru a very important dish in Cameroon, drank some juice after eating, we also had to dance with some other family members who also attended the wedding. I and my elder brother had to go to his place that same day in the evening. He drove me until we arrived Bonaberi where he had to overtake a car in front of us, the car too was on high speed and thus becoming so difficult for my elder brother to overtake, both cars were now on the same track while a truck too was coming in front of us. My uncle struggled and dourged the truck and we only realized ourselve under a another truck which was packed beside the road.


The nature of our car was really horrible and surprising to the people that gathered few seconds to the incident after realizing no one died. Uncle my elder brother had some wounds on his hands as the broken glasses injured him.
I myself was surprised of what was happening, few minutes tears started rolling down my eyes because I saw the mercy of God working over my life, I kept thanking God for His endless love and protection over my life.

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God loves you so much.Thank God for your safety.

God kept u sir
U really travelled alot just in 1 week

We thanks for his love and mercy over your life

We thank God for protection and preservation.

Thank God for saving you guys. It's really His mercy at work. Am sure you didn't miss out for Thanksgiving