Steemit Engagement Challenge S8-W2 | Gender Visibility and Enquality

in hive-195150 •  2 years ago 

Ketahui makanan favorit mereka dan hidangan yang ingin mereka coba. (13).jpg
Photo of me and my co-workers, illustration of gender equality

Gender Visibility and Equality

Halo semuanya, senang rasanya dapat berpartisipasi kembali di minggu kedua kontes, temanya pun cukup menarik yaitu visibilitas dan kesetaraan gender. Dalam postingan ini saya akan membagikan uraian sesuai dengan persepsi atau pandangan saya tentang visibilitas dan kesetaraan gender, berikut isi postingan konten saya:

Hello everyone, it's great to be able to participate again in the second week of the contest, the theme is quite interesting, namely visibility and gender equality. In this post I will share a description according to my perception or view of gender visibility and equality, here is the content of my content post:

Sebelum saya menguraikan lebih jauh tentang tema kontes ini, ada baiknya kita memahami terlebih dahulu Apa yang dimaksud dengan visibilitas dan kesetaraan gender. Visibilitas atau kesetaraan gender dapat diartikan sebagai sebuah kemampuan untuk dapat melihat lebih luas tentang persamaan hak dan kewajiban antara laki-laki dan perempuan.
Before I elaborate further on the theme of this contest, it is good that we first understand what is meant by gender visibility and equality. Visibility or gender equality can be defined as an ability to be able to see more broadly the equal rights and obligations between men and women.

Menurut yang saya pahami hakikat perempuan dan laki-laki tidak bisa disetarakan, hal itu sesuai dengan kodrat yang berbeda antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Namun jika ditinjau dari persamaan kewajiban dalam lingkup yang lebih luas, maka laki-laki dan perempuan memiliki hak dan peluang yang sama besar. Hak dan peluang tersebut dapat diartikan dalam bidang ekonomi, pendidikan, politik dan juga kedudukan. Serta memiliki kewajiban yang sama sesuai dengan empat poin yang saya maksud tersebut.
According to what I understand the essence of women and men cannot be equalized, it corresponds to the different natures between men and women. But if viewed from the equality of obligations in a broader scope, then men and women have equal rights and opportunities. These rights and opportunities can be defined in the fields of economics, education, politics, and also position. And have the same obligation by the four points I mean.


Photos sourced from personal photos where I work, there is gender equality

Bagaimana Anda dapat membantu komunitas Anda mewujudkan dunia yang setara gender? - How can you help your community forge a gender-equal world?
Untuk dapat membantu kesetaraan gender dalam bidang-bidang tertentu di masyarakat atau komunitas, dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa hal yang sederhana. Contohnya saja memberikan kesempatan kepada perempuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya, -baik di bidang pendidikan, kemasyarakatan dan juga politik.
To be able to help gender equality in certain areas of society or community can be done with a few simple things. For example, it provides opportunities for women to improve their abilities, in the field of Education, Society, and politics.

Bentuk dukungan lain untuk kesetaraan gender adalah dengan meningkatkan rasa aman bagi kaum perempuan atau mungkin laki-laki dari aksi kekerasan, dengan meningkatkan rasa keamanan maka persamaan gender di beberapa bidang tidak tidak menemui kendala. Serta memberikan ruang dan peluang sebesar-besarnya, sesuai dengan hak dan kewajiban.
Another form of support for gender equality is to increase the sense of security for women or maybe men from violence, by increasing the sense of security, gender equality in some areas does not meet obstacles. And provide space and opportunities as much as possible, in accordance with the rights and obligations.

Bisakah merayakan Hari Perempuan Internasional meningkatkan visibilitas dan kesetaraan? - Can celebrating Women's International day increase visibility and equality?
Di negara Indonesia dalam upaya mendukung kesetaraan gender, setiap tahun diadakan hari kartini. Kartini sendiri adalah tokoh yang dianggap sebagai pejuang emansipasi Wanita atau pejuang kesetaraan gender, atas apa yang dia perjuangkan maka setiap tahunnya pada tanggal 21 April diperingati sebagai hari perempuan sebagai bentuk upaya mengingatkan tentang persamaan gender. Yang pada intinya memperjuangkan hak-hak wanita untuk dapat bersaing memajukan bangsa dan negara, tanpa membedakan jenis kelamin.
In the country of Indonesia to support gender equality, every year Kartini Day is held. Kartini herself is a figure who is considered a fighter for women's emancipation or a fighter for gender equality, for what she is fighting for, every year on April 21 is celebrated as women's day as a form of effort to remind about gender equality. Which in essence fights for the rights of women to be able to compete to advance the nation and state, without distinction of sex.


Photo Credit, Indonesia's first female president

Apa pendapat Anda tentang wanita di posisi teratas seperti Presiden, Anggota Parlemen, Senator, CEO (Chief Executive Officers), dan COO (Chief Operations Officers)? Berikan contoh yang mungkin di negara (komunitas) Anda - What do you say about women in top positions like Presidents, Parliamentarians, Senators, CEOs (Chief Executive Officers), and COO (Chief Operations Officers)? Give possible examples in your country(community)
Di negara kami Indonesia emansipasi Wanita atau persamaan gender telah lama diperjuangkan, bukti dari persamaan gender tersebut pernah hadir seorang pemimpin negara atau presiden indonesia yang berasal dari perempuan. Tepat pada tanggal 23 juli 2001, Indonesia memiliki seorang presiden wanita pertama yaitu Megawati Soekarnoputri yang saat itu menjadi presiden ke-5 negara Indonesia.
In our country Indonesia emancipation of women or gender equality has long been fought for, evidence of gender equality was once presented by a leader of the country or the president of Indonesia who came from women. On July 23, 2001, Indonesia had its first female president, Megawati Soekarnoputri, who became the 5th president of Indonesia.

Kesetaraan gender lainnya yang terdapat di negara kami Indonesia adalah adanya beberapa nama-nama yang mengisi posisi strategis Birokrasi Pemerintahan negara Indonesia, contohnya saja Menteri, Kepala Badan Usaha Milik Negara, Direktur Perusahaan, Gubernur,Bupati, Walikota hingga Kepala Desa.
Another gender equality in our country Indonesia is the existence of several names that fill the strategic position of the Indonesian state government bureaucracy, for example, Ministers, Heads of State-Owned Enterprises, Company Directors, governors, regents, mayors to village heads.

Apa yang membuat Pemimpin yang Baik (Jenis kelamin atau prestasi) - What makes a Good Leader (Gender or merit)
Jika dilihat secara luas pemimpin tidak bisa dipandang dari segi jenis kelamin, kemampuan dan prestasi terkadang menjadi hal utama yang dapat menentukan baik tidaknya seorang pemimpin. Saya pribadi berpendapat pemimpin yang baik adalah yang berani mengambil keputusan, memiliki kemampuan dan mampu melakukan banyak langkah strategis yang menguntungkan lembaga yang dipimpin, sehingga jenis kelamin bukan menjadi salah satu hambatan untuk menentukan calon pemimpin.
When viewed broadly leaders can not be viewed in terms of gender, ability, and achievement are sometimes the main thing that can determine whether or not a leader is. I think a good leader dares to make decisions, has the ability, and can do many strategic steps that benefit the institution led, so gender is not one of the obstacles to determining the candidate for leader.

Hal tersebut dapat kita buktikan saat ini di mana Banyak pemimpin wanita yang mampu mengemban tugas dan juga amanah yang besar, yang biasanya menjadi tugas dari pemimpin laki-laki.
We can prove this today when many female leaders are able to carry out tasks and also a great mandate, which is usually the task of male leaders.

Pada akhirnya saya berpendapat dan dapat menarik kesimpulan, persamaan gender adalah sesuatu hal yang bagus untuk didukung dan diperjuangkan. Namun hal tersebut hanya terbatas pada hal-hal yang umum yang ada di masyarakat, seperti kegiatan ekonomi, kegiatan politik, kegiatan pendidikan, dan juga kegiatan di masyarakat.
In the end, I think and can draw conclusions, gender equality is something that is good to support and fight for. But it is only limited to things that are common in the community, such as economic activities, political activities, educational activities, and also activities in the community.

Itulah sedikit pandangan saya tentang visibilitas dan juga kesetaraan gender yang terjadi saat ini, semoga saja ini menjadi bacaan yang bagus untuk dibaca bagi kita semua. Saya juga mengundang @muthmainnah @cryptoloover dan @mituu untuk dapat berpartisipasi, salam hormat kepada kalian semua dan semoga beruntung.
That's a little bit of my view on visibility and also gender equality happening right now, hopefully, it's a good read to read for all of us. I also invite @muthmainnah @cryptoloover and @mituu to be able to participate, best wishes to all of you, and good luck.

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Hello fantvwiki, I really appreciate your post on gender visibility and equality. I agree with your perspective that men and women have different natures but can have equal rights and opportunities in areas such as education, politics, and economics. I also think your suggestions on how to promote gender equality in the community, such as providing opportunities for women to improve their abilities and increasing the sense of security for women, are very practical.

In response to your question, I believe that celebrating Women's International Day can definitely increase visibility and equality. As you mentioned, in Indonesia, Kartini Day is held to commemorate the fight for gender equality. These types of events help raise awareness and encourage more people to support gender equality. Additionally, it provides a platform for women to share their experiences and showcase their achievements, which can inspire and empower others.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this important topic.

Thank you for your comments and responses are quite good, although it has limitations in gender equality, but have the same rights and position in certain matters. Thanks for taking the time with my post.

Gender equality means treating all people, regardless of their gender, with the same respect, opportunities, and rights. It is essential to ensure that everyone, including women, has the same access to education, healthcare, and job opportunities. To support gender equality, people can offer opportunities to women to improve their skills and abilities in various areas such as education, society, and politics. Additionally, it is crucial to create a safe environment for women and men free from violence, and provide equal opportunities based on rights and obligations. Celebrating International Women's Day or other similar events can help raise awareness about gender equality and increase visibility for women in leadership positions such as presidents, parliamentarians, senators, CEOs, and COOs

Good luck

Interesting response, you took your time with this post. Thank you for your response, success to you.

Hola estimado amigo. Veo que te ha tocado en una sociedad donde es difícil conciliar tales igualdades pero tiene muy claro un aspecto que es de suma importancia y es que debemos promover la igual de género pero siempre respetando las características propias y naturales de cada género. Te deseo éxitos y bendiciones.

According to what I understand the essence of women and men cannot be equalized, it corresponds to the different natures between men and women. But if viewed from the equality of obligations in a broader scope, then men and women have equal rights and opportunities.

This point you made here is absolutely true. But some people tend to misinterpret the point. Men and women can’t be equalized due to the difference in their nature. But that doesn’t mean that the difference in nature or other key factors makes men superior to women. When we try to look at things this way, then we are looking at it at the wrong direction.


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This is a well written post @fantvwiki, you have fulfilled all criteria needed to qualify as a winner of this Contest.

You have answered all questions and have explained them really nice.

In accordance to the answer you provided to the first question, I think that is a brilliant idea.

If only women can be provided with facilities that will help improve their skills, that way they can be able to do the work of men which will make ease gender equality.

Overall, you have written well, I wish you the very best in this contest 😊

From your post, I will say that the people of Indonesia are making good effort to bridge the gender gap in education, economics and politics. The image shows the women part of the work force and one eventually emerging as President in 2001.

Celebrating the Kartini Day is another beautiful effort Imust commend.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, have a nice day.