Importance of certain activities in environmental protection

in hive-195150 •  3 years ago 

Hello beautiful people,I trust we are all doing great in our respective areas.

I'd like to share with you some of the things which I consider necessary to combat climate change in our community in order to live in healthy environments.

We all have our contributions to make in order to safe the environment from more adverse conditions. Based on the area and our level of exposure we can determine the various activities to be carried out for the good of mother nature. Some of the activities to engage in involve tree planting.


Trees serve of various importance. They can be used as ornamentals while at the same time playing important environmental roles. Trees take in carbon dioxide and provide oxygen to the environment thus cleaning the air we breathe. Environment friendly trees are able to provide water and are thus planted around catchment areas so as to get good drinking water for various communities. They provide a habitat for many different species of animals and in others such as birds trees serve as a nesting ground where they nurse their young. In areas that are at risked to flooding and landslide, planting of environment friendly trees help in holding the soil together preventing erosion and subsequent break-off. Thus reducing the rate of human exposure to such natural disaster.


Checking our drainage systems to ensure that they are not crowded with dirt. It is necessary to always check our drainage to release them of any accumulated dirt. Accumulation of dirt in drainage not only blocks them but also serve as pollution. The accumulated dirt smells polluting the air and attracting insects such as mosquitoes which are spread diseases to both humans and animals.

Proper waste disposal is of essence. Most at times household members step out in the rain to empty their trash not minding where it goes and what becomes of it. Waste sorting is good as it helps separate inorganic waste from organic for proper management.


Reducing the rate of chemical applications on farming products. The residue of these chemicals usually remain in the soil and contaminate it.

Thanks for reading

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Very interesting write up there we have to really take caution when using this chemicals without being considerate on their impact to the environment

Thank you

Exactly there I high rate of Chemical application on farm products which serves as a disadvantage to the consumers of the product and soil

Yet many are not concerned about it, thanks for reading

The point on waste disposal catches my attention more.I wish more people could be aware that we are the cause of our problems when we do not dispose off our waste properly.

Wonderful wrtup thanks fr the educative post

Reason for awareness raising because many are ignorant and others in denial